What would the movies be like if this were the case? Of course he would its Peter. Tony just doesnt know it yet. Tony sighed as the rest of the Avengers went to get up. Tony Stark is living the dream; a multibillion dollar empire, a hot, caring boyfriend, and the celebrity status of a rock star. Summary: The Avengers have been infected, turned violent and aggressive against their will. Right? We both lost. Both avengers soon get attached, but it seems like the kid is hiding something. Good news everyone! Tony and Pepper never stopped looking for their boy. The Field Trip(ao3) - stellaisnotamermaidPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. "This is your fault," Peter accused, Tony let out a hard wheeze. Seriously - go give her a listen she is simply amazing!! His class doesn't believe him, his teacher doesn't believe him. Hed lost them all.All he had left was Tony Stark, and all Tony Stark had left was him.And in the wake of their insurmountable losses, they go about trying to find a family within each other. Bullied Peter Parker | Archive of Our Own **********"Stop lagging and do your work," she huffed and walked away. Summary: A single picture triggered Tony Stark to suspect that Peter Parker was his son, biologically. Summary: When Stephen Strange materializes in Christines kitchen in desperate need of at least one band-aid, she is forced to confront the fact that he is not exactly the man she once knew- and her heart may not be as finished with him as she thought. Lots of fluff, but mostly angst. #natasharomanoff Peter, youre kidnapped(ao3) -GryffindorGyrl1997T, 10k. Summary: Peter Stark, more commonly known as Peter Parker, just missed out on the secret Academic Decathlon field trip because he had miscounted his days absent from school. But she knows Peter Stark is in there, because his bag is lying a few feet away from it, open with the books scattered around. Peter thought he was being helpful by carrying the boxes that DUME had been trying to pull, with no luck. Summary: Tony Stark would never describe his relationship with his father as anything other than difficult. Can we skip to the good part? Summary: Captain America knows Peter! He never went to Germany and fought the Avengers, and he sure as hell didnt get that cool suit. Summary: Doctor Stephen Strange was many things, but a babysitter was not one of them. built from scraps (ao3) - peterstankT, 138k. But when the four-year-olds wide eyes blinked at him, Tony was struck with the sudden realization that maybe that had been a lie. Tony stopped them, before yelling down the hall. He certainly never expected the Tony Stark, only son of Howard Stark, and Peters absolute idol to be that someone. (ao3) - WebtrinsicRating: General. Not to mention. Head Above Water (ao3) - sahiyaRating: General, Summary: FRIDAY has all the emergency numbers, Pepper said, including Morgans pediatrician. Summary: Stephen tried to give Christine a date she would remember. Everyone keeps telling him itll get better and that he needs to move on, but Peter doesnt want to. When the World Gives You a Raw Deal (ao3) - Scarlet_RibbonsRating: Teen And Up. It is reason enough for his dad to take over the tour. Tonys heart lurches in his chest, then plummets to the floor. Believe In Me//Stucky Fanfic 6 pages May 14, 2017 Talley ( Aka an answer to a prompt about whether Stephen would eat weird food with tentacles on a date. Summary: counterpart [koun-ter-pahrt] [noun] 1. a person or thing closely resembling another, especially in function. (ao3) - chvoticRating: Teen And Up. Time to search for the coffee. Right? The Avengers also had a schedule for when they would pick Peter up from school. Answer (1 of 5): Well, uh, let's say Peter gets bullied after FFH, Tony is still alive, and the identity of Spider-Man is no longer a secret. Things only go haywire after that. MJ shrugged. Counterpart(ao3) -sara_holmesPairing: Steve/TonyRating: Mature. Which, okay, the Spider-Man stuff is definitely the coolest thing to tell Ned about and definitely the most important because it leads to him saving real, human lives - but this thing where Mr Stark seems willing (happy, even?) What if Kaecilius and his zealots had attacked when The Ancient One was in the hospital? 5 times peter clung to tony (ao3) - parkrstarkRating: Teen And Up. I wouldnt want me as a teammate either. Tony smiled before wrapping an arm around Peter's shoulders and having to forcefully lead him back to his room before having Friday lock his room for the night. He takes the most important person to Tony. Summary: Peter didnt want to think that this year was the worst of his life given hes only sixteen things could be much worse than his fathers getting a divorce. Summary: Peters alternated between ramen and peanut butter sandwiches for the past week. Summary:Being a superhero sometimes means you forget about the small dangers in the world, like disease. Hes going to get Mr. Stark back. (Food insecurity rears its ugly head for Peter when hes at a stupidly fancy dinner with the Avengers; he tries to hide it up, but he doesnt really do a good job, especially with his surrogate dad watching him like a hawkeye. Nothing necessarily out of the ordinary, but theres something in her face, in her eyes. Natasha, Peter says cautiously, what happened here? Miscommunications(ao3) -Isnt_it_pretty_to_think_soRating: Teen And Up, Peters Never-ending Stubborness (ao3) - karenninaaaRating: Teen And Up, Publicity Parent(ao3) -BowtiezRating: General. Tony Stark Happy Hogan Flash Thompson Implied/Referenced Self-Harm Father-Son Relationship Bullied Peter Parker Peter Parker Needs a Hug Precious Peter Parker Protective Tony Stark Flash chokes Peter out. Peters Never-ending Stubborness (ao3) - karenninaaaPairing: Pepper/TonyRating: Teen And Up. #buckybarnes Five years of Peters life, gone. He wasnt going to let him know how bad things were. Summary: Peter has a science project and he finds out more about his relationship with Tony then he expected. Luckily, his comm still works. This time on a field trip tour of Stark Industries. Turns out youve had one longer than me!-Peter gets to spend all summer living in Avengers Tower with Tony. Peter's been the number one ranking student at Midtown high school since he set foot on the campus freshman year. ***Peters class goes on a field trip to Stark Industries, where Peter is an actual intern now, and this is, apparently, how that session goes, How do I keep going? Pepper isnt so sure at first, but Peter is absolutely certain that hes found the perfect gift. There was a snort from Clint. (ao3) - yourgaydadRating: Teen And Up, Casualty of war(ao3) -wolfypuppypilesRating: Mature. When armed men attack Stark Tower whilst Peters class is on a field trip, it is down to Peter (not Spider-Man, Peter), to try and save the day. but for Peter- things rarely go as planned, Dont Call Captain America Dad(ao3) -Eudoxiasteve/tony, peter/wadeN/R, 2k. Peter Parker grew up unaware of his superhero father, admiring Iron Man from afar and unaware that one day he would too become a super-hero - an Avenger. What are you doing here, Rhodey?, Rhodey laughs. After the events of Civil War and Homecoming, Peter Parker is slowly getting closer with his new mentor, Tony Stark. The Puzzle that is Peter Parker (ao3) - Neuropsyche, 279kT, 279k, Summary: Peter is reeling from the after-effects of the spider bite and seeks out Tony Stark. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. Metamorphosis (ao3) - art_deco_deityRating: General. But when Mr. Stark becomes her personal and superhero mentor, shell have to get creative to keep the two identities separateand secret. If he makes it through the entire day without being suspended, it'll be a miracle. Did he mention that said adoptive father is Tony Stark? How will the two Tonys mange to get their Spider Kids back? Also, Christine is weirded out by Astral Projection. Tony's patient, up till Happy get's involved, and then for once, a bad guy's terrible plan actually helps someone. I suppose months away does that. Between juggling his avenging and senior year, Peter is exhausted, but he has his family behind him. It was a one night stand and Tony had a lot of them, but this one changed everything. Puppy Peter (ao3) - WebtrinsicRating: General. Collapse, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Summary: At 6 years old, the son of Tony and Pepper Stark, Peter, is kidnapped, never to be seen again. For Those Who Believe, No Proof Is Necessary(ao3) -can_i_slytherinM, 4k. Maybe it was because it was Tonys hand--semi-rough and callous, but feeling so much like home--keeping him steady. Peter's having issues at school, and they're getting to the point where it begins to impact his behavior, anxiety and self-consciousness. He could easily make it down the tower safely. No, she was not jealous of the cloak that certainly had seen more actions than her. It's good. You know what, scratch heating blankets (ao3) - LequiaRating: General. Like a building fell on top of your noggin.. It was 32 degrees outside and sleeping in an old beat up car in a Walmart parking lot didnt allow for much warmth. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tony's secret son. This whole visiting the tower every second weekend or so and actually getting to work with Tony Stark in his personal lab is a great improvement from being mostly-sort-of-ignored by Happy. It can be activated at any time, even during, say a field trip to Stark Tower by the Midtown Decathlon team. Unfortunately for Peter, he's never much believed in miracles.This is a goddamn disaster. Peter declared miserably. Ned glanced down at his friends face, shock shooting through his veins when he saw the sudden emotion all over Peters face. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title, Due to the incredible support of the community, we've raised US$252,343.98 with an average donation of $32.14, and added 6450 new members this drive. Summary: Being an Avenger was something he always wanted, but for some reason his parents didnt want that for him. youre just trying to do your best for a kid whos lost control (ao3) - tempestauroraRating: Teen And Up, Arguably Peters Worst (Best) Field Trip Ever(ao3) -patrochilles_trashT, 18k. Peter Parker Meets The Avengers (ao3) - arabellagaleottiRating: General. Weve managed to get a field trip to Stark Industries!, Signs of Life(ao3) -aven_gardePairing: Steve/Tony, Bruce/Natasha, Bucky/ClintRating: Mature. Theres food in the fridgesoup for Tony and Morgan, lasagna and mac and cheese for you. When the Rogue Avengers get pardoned and come back to live at the Tower too, theyre confused as to who Peter is. Husbands Twin(ao3) -InfinitywritesG, 1k, Ill Be There Beside You(ao3) -Coffee_and_notebooksG, 1k, Summary:Peter gets sick, but luckily, his dads are there to nurse him back to health. Natasha is just used to being the only spider. Summary: A day after his sixteenth birthday Peter finds out that Tony Stark is his biological father. Summary: Peters trapped beneath a collapsed building during a mission, hurt and unable to move. Magic Sucks(ao3) -ValmureEld (InkSiren)T, 1k. She would remember it all right with the constant emergency calls for Stephen to save the world, not to mention the presence of the cloak. Slips Out(ao3) - AimAim94Rating: General, Summary: Peter accidentally calls Tony Stark Dad., The darkest hour is just before the dawn (ao3) - StarryKnight09Rating: Teen And Up, This is Dr. Nguyen. Keeping Secrets Isnt Healthy(ao3) -slightly_salty_acePairing: Steve/TonyRating: Teen And Up. At the top of the sweater, near his heart was a very clear logo that read STARK Peter felt panic fill in his chest. Because where was Midtowns field trip to? Summary: Peter cant take this dads fighting anymore. Tony isnt impressed at being stalked by an eight year old, Time Will Tell (ao3) - TonyStarkissistT, 166k. This amazing human is turning this story into an audiobook!! 5 Times an Avenger (or two) Looked Out For Peter (ao3) - Fangirl_DisasterRating: General. Actually, it started when Peter jokingly called Tony dad in front of them. They hope they can keep up the act all summer. Please? Luckily he has a pretty perceptive bodyguard and a loving adoptive father. Tony silences him with his mouth, dragging Rhodey down on top of him with a yelp, his duffle bag falling onto the floor with a heavy thump. The Avengers find out that Tony suddenly have a kid in his life, and they all quickly fall in love with the little boy too. Summary: Peter Parkers life is not going great. He cant envision a life without his mentor. Summary: On paper, Peter is, technically, a legitimate Stark Industries intern now. For Peter, this means he loses May to natural causes, not something he could ever save her from. Work Search: Sure. Requested by anon: I desperately need an extremely dramatic one-shot where Peter is in some theatre club in his school or something and is some behind-the-scenes type of guy, but everyone just drops their work on him, so he SNAPS at everyone, including the teacher(pls make her a cruel sorta person) and students and the principal? They hope they can keep up the act all summer. 5 Times an Avenger (or two) Looked Out For Peter, 5 times it wasnt a hug and the 1 time it was, 5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did, How to Confuse the Avengers (Mostly Steve), i let you carve your name all over my insides, Show Me Where the Sun Comes Through the Sky. Its one of the first thing that absolutely everyone who meets Peter remarks - wow, hes quiet, but hey! Summary:So some weird stuff is going on. Their life is simple and good until they decide to adopt a teenager named Peter Parker whos going to turn their life upside down. And why does Tony feel sick every time he sees him around Peter? The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers family. That Awkward Moment When Your Whole Class Shows Up At Your House(ao3) -MurdockSchmurdockRating: Teen And Up. Summary: Set on the wedding day/night of Christine Palmer and Charlie. First Impressions (ao3) - ImBadWithWordsRating: General. I think it was partly because she was brilliant and because she didnt bore me like most people did. Summary: Dad?The voice is weak, hoarse, and it only just comes through the crackling static of his comms. one day, wade says, well live like kings., (tony is over protective, natasha is awesome and clint, well, clint likes to throw chinese food at people). For Peter, this means he loses May to natural causes, not something he could ever save her from.Unknown to him, May left custody of Peter in the hands of Tony Stark, who, even though he wants kids, has no idea how to actually raise one. Whator whoawaits him at the lake house, is not what hes expecting. Carry on Wayward Son(ao3) -TinyButFiercePairing: NoneRating: General. Otherwise known as the time that Flash Thompson was proved royally incorrect. 5 Times Everyone Forgot How Smart Peter Actually Was - Chapter 1 Summary: Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Peter lifted up his head.Oh yeah, how?MJ shrugged. do you believe in fate? Sitting in the middle of the polished granite kitchen of Tony Stark is the runaway Avengers. However, once they see how Tony acts around Peter, that confusion goes away, as they know for certain who Peter must be - Tonys secret son.Tony and Peter decide to make the most of the situation, and play along. When You Assume Wrong (ao3) - TentativeTreasonRating: General. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist Dad? Please just tell me that you have him! Happy yelled as he clasped his hands together like he was praying. A Bullying Case, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction #captainamerica Tony Stark and May Parker co-parent Peter and somehow the Avengers translate this into him cheating on Pepper), you can call me son (ao3) - jaybaybayRating: General. In the Home(ao3) -aloneintherainRating: Teen And Up. Add Some Gold(ao3) -snakeofalltradesPairing: Pepper/TonyRating: Teen And Up. Wonderful. Tony doesnt know what to do at first but he eventually learns, with a few bumps along the way. After Mays death, he moved in with a foster family. Fitting In (Tiny Spaces)(ao3) -aloneintherainRating: Teen And Up. I just need, PETER PARKER! Tony yelled down the hall leading to his bedroom, Why did I get a call that you skipped school? Guys, Petey-pie isn't killing anybody. Summary: Peters struggling to cope after the loss of Mr. Stark. Two of them are smart enough to take a step back, and Catia is out of there before Pepper can look at her. What would Tony Stark do if he saw Peter get bullied? - Quora (Where Steve wants to ban Clint from bringing things home from alternative dimensions, until he doesnt. Summary: Peter accidentally tells his parents hes Spider-man. Summary: Five times the Avengers learn about Peter Parker, and the one time the rest of the world does, too. OR: The first time Natasha meets Starks kid, its almost three in the morning; spiders dont sleep, after all. The pressure on his lower back and legs was becoming too much. Engine 12 (ao3) - bethy_277Rating: Not Rated. ), 5 times tony forgot peter was just a kid(ao3) -parkrstarkPairing: NoneRating: Teen And Up. But its fine, he wants them back; he wants his old family back so much. It Could Have Been Worse(ao3) -EqquatorPairing: NoneRating: General. Unfortunately for them, Tony Starks latest invention has been stolen and recovering it causes tension to reappear. Summary: Peter is bullied by Flash and his goons and even the teachers, because he said he has a Stark internship. There had been zero warning before she had gone, and not something that Tony had ever considered. If I wanted to kill you, youd be dead. Crushed, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Do you want some hot chocolate?. Ned comes through first falling to his knees gasping for air before Michelle follows dragging Peter behind her. Peter Parker lost his parents when he was barely old enough to remember them, leaving him in the care of Uncle Ben and Aunt May. Peter is shot with something during a fight as spider man that makes him very disoriented and confused. Thank you so much! And Youll Blow Us All Away (ao3) - losingmymindtonightRating: Teen And Up. Dude! Peters been kidnapped and Tony and Steve have to find him. 5 Times Peter Sleepwalked And The 1 Time He Pretended He Did (ao3) - losingmymindtonightRating: General. AU post-Infinity War with an AU version of Endgame and with a Stony endgame. ***, Show Me Where the Sun Comes Through the Sky (ao3) - duskblueG, 75k. His mind was set on the coffee in the kitchen that he knew was brewing because Tony was never without a pot. Peter peeled his mask off, wincing as the fabric scraped against the grazes on his cheek, but kept his head low until Tony took his chin and lifted it himself. And Peter, the only one unaffected, is trapped inside the Tower with six feral teammates. Hey da- Mr Star- Tony. Make sure Morgan is drinking her Pedialyte, and see if you can get her to sleep in her own bed tonight. MJ shoved a permission slip into his hand at his comment. Flash is a dick, Mj and Peter flirt in the most awkward way, and Ned is excited. Its Not About You(ao3) -ParallelUniverses_vs_AlternateTimelinesT, 21k. Shenanigans ensue. Even if he chose the former, Peter wouldn't be able to get a wink of sleep. Naturally hed feel protective, nervous, and confused because where has Richard been all this time? Thank you so much! And Thor knowsa lot of lesbians. So when an idea comes to him, he doesnt hesitate, no matter how crazy it is. Survival Mode(ao3) -Good_As_I_Am94G, 25k. Sins of the Fathers (ao3) - geekymoviemomRating: General. Summary: Maybe I shouldnt go. Peter spoke. Tony and Peter get closer than ever, and Peter even starts to call him dad (but only around the people he is close to, like Pepper and Rhodey, because no one can know that Peter is adopted by Tony). AKA the standard Midtown goes on a field trip to Stark Industries fic. Tony rolled his eyes, this kid did not need coffee. Summary: Peter Parker is absolutely devastated in the two months since hes been back on Earth. No way was he gonna come down from that anytime soon (lies). How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust. He doesnt want to go on a vacation to Mr Starks lake house to see Pepper and Morgan, but May doesnt leave it up to him, and on the last day of school, Happy is waiting to drive him there. "Okay, c'mon Pete," Tony attempted to pull the kid to his feet. Following a tragic accident that leaves Peter Parker without a family, Tony goes against the pleas of the people closest to him and decides to adopt Peter. When noticing his genius, Tony decides to make that highschooler who had come to SI as reward for winning a contest his personal intern. I feel so much better now., Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Take A Dip In That Dumpster While Your Mentor Takes A Sip, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Implied/Referenced Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, The Home Life of An Unassuming High School Spider-kid, Like basically just a bit of heavy kissing and everything else is implied, Peter Parker & Wade Wilson are Best Friends, This was supposed to be a oneshot but I'm gonna add more chapters later, They All Laughed At Me (for the last time), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Quentin Beck doesn't know Peter Parker is Spider-Man, Canon Divergence - Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Peter Parker is Quentin Beck's Patient Of Course, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Harley Keener is Pepper Pott's Biological Child, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Peter Parker and the Avengers Tumblr and Tropes Series, Let me hold you close, until you forget how cruel the world is, May Parker (Spider-Man) & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Kid Peter Parker and his overstressed dad, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, Iron Dad/Spider Son Short stories and One Shots, Look Into My Eyes Dear, You Never Have To Hide, Not Avengers: Infinity War Part 1 (Movie) Compliant.
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avengers fanfiction tony finds out peter is bullied 2023