Look up the farthest home run ever hit and youll see New York Yankees legends Mickey Mantle and Babe Ruth mentioned. pic.twitter.com/qHVzzjGRA4, "No, I don't even tell them I played," Meyer said with a laugh in a phone interview with MLB.com, his work walkie-talkie blaring in the background. "The next one, though, was that one.". The top finishers in the baseball throw at the 1931 AAU womens national championships. Diamondbacks prospect Leandro Cedeno just hit a 527 foot home run!Yeah, FIVE TWO SEVEN pic.twitter.com/kPn7lXxVKP. >To get more distance hitting off a T, use a heavier bat 32-34 ounces. Ill keep adding to this as I find more information. Arguably the most strength baseball has had since the steroid era. Meyer, 25, had been slugging his way through the Minors the past few years. \"What we did was took what their line of sight was of the baseball at its highest arc and where it hit in the east stands. On May 20, 1978, Stargell hit the farthest home run ever recorded in Canada with his eye-popping blast in Montreals Olympic Stadium. Please consider purchasing the book for your own collection. What makes it more incredible, Mantle hit the blast with a teammates bat. There is no true measurement of how far an average person can hit a baseball. "It's special to see it. As youth get older, they also get stronger. A faster pitch is harder to hit than a slower one, but a batter who can do it may score a home run. Other factors, as mentioned before, can increase this maximum distance, especially wind, humidity, and thin air due to distance above sea level. 19-year-old Mickey Mantle had just hit the longest home run in baseball history! That was shorter than her throw of May 1916. Babe Ruth vs. Josh Gibson: Who was a better hitter? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. If someone has plenty of strength but struggles to hit the ball with a solid point of contact, the ball will not travel far. An item in the Seattle Daily Times on Oct. 12, 1909 read: The gentle and womanly sport of throwing the baseball was yesterday placed on a high plane by the successful outcome of a womans baseball throwing contest at Dugdales Park.About 3,000 spectators watched the thirty contestants compete. It should come as no surprise that the record books for the longest home run ever in baseball history are spotty. Here are the furthest Homeruns in the modern era that have been tracked by Statcast: How far can the average person hit a baseball? High Schooler baseball players bodies are growing and maturing. The only problem was, Paintins throw wasnt a record for a womannot even close. Having a lot of strength doesnt mean you can hit the baseball further. Keep in mind, he was 38 years old when he hit it and that. It's no surprise that one of baseball's All-Time Homerun leaders, and the legendary Home Run King, that Babe Ruth is at the top of the list. And Bells record was apparently broken before Paintin made her attempt. Daily Pharos on June 15, 1906. Since then, it has been measured and reviewed many times for true distance. Giancarlo Stanton clobbered a 504-foot blast against the Rockies in Coors Field on Aug. 6, 2016. Then look up Joey Meyers home run from 1987; it went nearly 600 feet into the upper level. Sometimes there is a stigma from t-ball that says you should outgrow it, but thats not the case. BYRON BUXTON 469 FOOT BLAST FOR THE WALK OFF! As you might expect, baseball legends are credited with the records. If accurate, it stands as the longest homer in professional baseball history. So, it seems that 600 footers are out of the question. Still an absolute epic homerun, nonetheless. "The following day, there were so many reporters there," Meyer recalled. Bodybuilders arent playing baseball for a reason because it takes more than just pure strength. How about their physical size and strength? On average, the fence is 300 feet down the left and right field lines and anywhere between 375 and 400 feet to center field. He liked my bats, so I traded him my bat for a Cal Ripken bat. I wasn't the watching type. - Bernie Wilson of the Associated Pressd his job every day." But on Thursday, Harper actually hit the cover off a baseball. ","type":"markdown"},{"__typename":"PhotoPart","caption":null,"contextualCaption":null,"contextualAspectRatio":null,"credit":null,"format":"jpg","templateUrl":"https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/private/{formatInstructions}/mlb/gb8b3k8hyxcciqhywyhp","type":"photo"},{"__typename":"Markdown","content":"The media descended on Mile High the next day -- wanting to talk to the man who reached heights never reached before. The Yankees easily completed a three-game sweep of the Minnesota Twins on Wednesday and bolstered their bid for a postseason berth, but all of that was overshadowed by an . The event did happen more than 34 years ago, so it's hard to fault Tennyson for not remembering exactly how he got the number 582. DONT HIT OFF A BATTING TEE Again UNTIL You WATCH THIS!! It now has an exact distance of 536 feet. According to that story, the previous record was 195 feet, 3 inches, set by Alice H. Belding of Vassar College on May 7, 1904. "In the thin air, it doesn't take much. But players on the field thought it had only gone out because of the thin Rocky Mountain air. In the 1971 Midsummer Classic, slugger Reggie Jackson sent Dock Ellis pitch practically out of Tiger Stadium, with the ball bouncing off the roof as everyone in attendance just sat back in shock. They set the record during their end-of-season party. If you go off non-StatCast data, though, its not even the longest home run in minor league history (more on that below). 1967? Its been one of the lone bright spots for Sanchez this year, who joined Minnesota as part of the Isiah Kiner-Falefa trade. The Womens Golf Coaches Association gives the Gladys Palmer Memorial Service Award in her honor, and in 1997 she was inducted into the Womens Varsity O Hall of Fame at Ohio State. An average baseball player can have a gauge to how far they should be able to hit a baseball. "When the Zephyrs needed a uniform shirt for Meyer a year ago, the only one big enough was a souvenir shirt in a Denver sports bar," Dave Anderson wrote. The corners will be shorter, but the length does depend on how each field is designed. The media descended on Mile High the next day -- wanting to talk to the man who reached heights never reached before. This drawing of Marjorie Bell appeared in the Logansport (ind.) But simple measurements, ballpark dimensions and first-hand accounts help us get a look at the longest MLB home runs since the game began. When discussing, It takes significant force, hand eye coordination, and. He hit 91 homers from 1984-86, batting around .300 and cracking 100 RBIs twice. Oh, by the way, it's off a tee! He was a big prospect with a big frame. Even if bat speed, exit velocity, and point of contact are all the same, the difference in geography will result a different distance of how far the baseball traveled. But they just asked me to come in and told me this is where it hit and it seems like it could be a hell of a long ways. calculated the high school players average distance of baseball hit and found progressive results as expected. He seems content with that -- helping out a little bit at MLB clinics on the island and really not talking about his baseball career unless somebody finds out about it. \"When you're not used to that many reporters and all of their things tied together in front of you, you know, their microphones. All Rights Reserved by Baseball Almanac, Inc.Hosted by Hosting 4 Less. 17 year olds at 165 feet. Ken Griffey Jr. hit a grand slam off a 106 mph pitch by Joel Zumaya back in 2006, but the velocity recorded by the radar guns has been questioned. (Perhaps the measurer was actually John G. Griffith, who had been Iowas head football and basketball coach the previous school year and was about to become the head football coach at the University of Idaho.) What is the farthest home run ever hit in the MLB? To hit the ball far, work on all the factors discussed, not just your physical strength. The fastest recorded softball pitch is 77 mph (123.9 km/h), achieved by Monica Abbott (USA) on 16 June 2012 in a National Pro Fastpitch (NPF) game for the Chicago Bandits against the Carolina Diamonds in Kannapolis, North Carolina, USA. How about Robb Nen? One of his biggest and farthest home runs came in an early season trip to Jacob's Field on April 30th of 1997. Mickey rocketed the ball over the right-center-field wall, across the adjacent football field, finally landing on the far sideline and hopping over the fence bordering the field. We include certain variables when calculating distance of baseballs hit by Professional Baseball Players. The Sultan of Swat gets credited for all kinds of records and moments that live in MLB history. As for Meyer -- he started the '88 season with the Brewers. If you knew nothing about Babe Didrikson before reading this, then by all means start trying to learn more. McGwire drilled a pitch over the 19 foot fence and 23 rows of seating in left center field for one of the longest home runs in history. Miss Palmer has unofficially thrown a regulation baseball 240 feet. But later reports, including the one accompanying the graphic at right, put the distance at 227 feet 6 inches, and that appears to have been accepted as the correct figure. But thats from the best baseball players in the world. You can practice hitting in the back yard. The home run was measured as having landed an improbable 582 feet from home plate. How hard is it to get a baseball scholarship? The baseball throw was part of the AAU championship competition from 1923 until 1957. Legion Report's writing staff has experience playing and coaching in youth sports, high school, college, and professional levels and they want to use this experience to help you succeed on the field or from the sidelines. Rapsodo calculated the high school players average distance of baseball hit and found progressive results as expected. Major League Baseballs introduction of StatCast tracking makes it easier than ever to determine the farthest home runs hit travel today. Few, if any, athletes, male or female, ever excelled in as many sports as Babe Didrikson. With what we know now when it comes to physics and all other factors when calculating a baseballs distance of being hit, its safe to say that a baseball cannot be hit 600 feet. The record for the highest season's attendance ever in all major-league baseball games is 70,372,221 in 1998. World Copyright ReservedCopyright Guinness World Records, Ltd. The six-year-old from Kenilworth, New . April 28, 2023. Part of the Baseball Almanac Family, The biggest baseball contract is an average of $15 million per year for seven years. You get the feeling Meyer, modest and soft-spoken over the phone, was almost frightened by the attention. The giant football/baseball stadium could hold about 70,000, but just a little over 1,000 people were in attendance. Meet Oklahoma State first baseman Griffin Doersching. It is one-hundred twenty feet high and weighs more than thirty tons and is modelled after the bat made specifically for Babe Ruth. Alas I dont yet know any more about how the longest throw mark evolved from 1916 to 1930, but I can take you to the record that is still recognized today, set by one of the greatest athletes of all time, Mildred Babe Didrikson. This is due to the abundant amount of variables involved and no true definition of average. Meyer's Denver Zephyrs -- the Triple-A affiliate of the Brewers -- were taking on the Buffalo Bisons at Mile High Stadium. Giancarlo Stanton is the second only player since 2015 to hit one 500-plus feet. Overall they are close enough to get a gauge on how far someone at that age should be able to hit a baseball. What is the longest home run ever hit in MLB history? He works security at a hospital in Maui. High school girls usually have to strike a ball 200 feet to get it out of the farthest part of the park. A's starter Kyle Muller tossed five innings and was in line to break the notorious streak. In the hours since a foul ball struck a little girl during the Chicago Cubs' game with the Astros on Wednesday night, Andy Zlotnick said he heard from the daughter of a 79-year-old Los . This is the furthest slowpitch ball ever hit on camera! You can focus in on whatever issue you most need to focus on. It's pretty intimidating.\"\n\nThe homer also needed to be officially measured, so the team called in the best possible person they could: City of Denver engineer Jerry Tennyson.\n\n\"I don't know why they decided to \\[call me\\],\" Tennyson told me over the phone. Legion Report is the best place to find answers to your questions about sports and coaching. (Scott was traded from Rochester, the Orioles' Triple-A affiliate at the time.) There are many accounts of baseballs being hit further than Babe Ruths verified 575-foot blast. The Iowa City team played a team from Rock Island, Ill., after Paintins record toss. (Scott was traded from Rochester, the Orioles' Triple-A affiliate at the time.) Meyer had hit BP balls up there but never in a game. What is the longest home run ever hit by Giancarlo Stanton? This is proof that hitting a baseball far also means having the ability to hit the baseball consistently. On Aug. 9, Colorado Rockies infielder Ryan McMahon unloaded on a pitch in the 7th inning of a 14-5 blowout against the St. Louis Cardinals. "(Kevin) Brown's pitches have so much movement that they've been described as 'nasty' and 'filthy' as well as some unprintable names." If he were playing today, he would be the best hitter today. Here is the longest verified home run in professional baseball history! UPDATE 8/11/13: The Sports Illustrated stories served as the basis for William Oscar Johnson and Nancy P. Williamsons book Whatta-Gal: The Babe Didrikson Story. The book has other mistakes about Babes baseball career, which I point out in this post. There's home run king Barry Bonds, there's Adam Dunn depositing baseballs into other states. Without significant practice, your average person would be lucky to throw a baseball over 50 mph.For trained players, the average pitching velocity ranges between . Question: Where should a tee be placed when hitting? Miss Lizzie Arnold, of Bellingham, threw the baseball 209 feet 5 1/2 inches [later articles would say 5 1/8 inches], breaking all records. But in his book Richters History and Records of Base Ball, published in 1914, Francis Richter identified the previous record holder as Miss Bertha Burgett of Elmira, N.Y., who had thrown a ball 181 feet in 1902. Snchezs home run is the longest by a Marlins player since (who else?) An item in the Rockford (Ill.) Republic said Palmers throw smashed the intercollegiate record for such a feat by 14 feet 6 inches, the former record being held by a Vassar girl. No player has ever hit 800 career home runs. And I just calculated it from there. Gary Sanchez hits a 473 ft BOMB at Yankee Stadium (via @Twins) pic.twitter.com/QoXWOOBNye, Mike Trout, Los Angeles Angels 472 feet. If accurate, it stands as the longest homer in professional baseball history. Again, many factors are at play here. And lo, now I find a story about Ada Paintins record throw, published the following day (Aug. 15, 1910) in the Omaha (Nebr.) A preview of the event, in the Iowa City Citizen of Aug. 13, 1910, said the mark was 180 feet; in The Sporting Life of Sept. 10, 1910, the holder of that record was said to be Myrtle McCarrell of Oak Park, Ill., who had thrown that distance on July 20 of that year. MLB history offers reports of truly epic blasts, which well dive into below. If I learn more Ill share it here. Ruth is widely considered one of, if not the greatest hitters of all-time and hit a mark of 575 on July 18, 1921 at Tigers Stadium in Detroit. One thing is for certain, Stanton is fully capable of adding another historic milestone to the list of the longest home runs ever. 587 meters Plant Field, a downtown sports stadium in Tampa, used to hold spring training baseball games. Lets assume the average 12-year-old in this sample is a Little League Baseball Player. But I didn't watch it, you know. Tennyson was shocked when I told him it's considered perhaps the longest measured home run in the history of baseball, telling me multiple times "that's incredible." 575 Ft (175.3m) - Baseball Hit. But even at a time when New York Yankees star Giancarlo Stanton and Aaron Judge are launching bombs, they do fall short of the longest HR in MLB history. The record for attendance for a single game in the US is 92,706, for a game between the LA Dodgers and the Chicago White Sox on October 6, 1959. Meyer ended up hitting three home runs that night with Ripken's lumber. They have done numerous studies calculating average distance of baseballs hit based on the players age. He hit 91 homers from 1984-86, batting around .300 and cracking 100 RBIs twice. If MLB makes changes to the baseballs and rules are adjusted that favors hitters more, maybe Stanton tops this mark in 2022. This can only be done by the most powerful, For a list and background of some of baseballs furthest baseballs ever hit, see , With what we know now when it comes to physics and all other factors when calculating a baseballs distance of being hit, its safe to say, We include certain variables when calculating distance of baseballs hit by Professional Baseball Players. While with the Marlins that day, Stanton hit a 122.2mph single off of Braves pitcher Max Fried. Playing for a minor league team called the Minnesota Millers back in 1900, Andy Oyler hit the shortest home run in the history of the entire world. Unlike some other mammoth homers in baseball history, there are only a handful of stories on Meyer's blast -- the longest ever according to the internet. Discuss these issues on our message board today or read an article called The Fastest Pitcher in History. In his story about her performance at the 1931 AAU championships, Arthur Daley wrote she was as proficient in swimming, boxing, tennis, baseball and basketball as she is in track. She won gold medals in trackand field in the 1932 Olympic Games in Los Angeles, winning the 80-meter high hurdles (breaking her own world record) and the javelin throw, and took the silver in the high jump. For more information regarding our Covid policies, please visit vintage faucet handles Meyer, 25, had been slugging his way through the Minors the past few years. The record for the longest estimated home run in a major-league game is 634 ft., by Mickey Mantle for the New York Yankees against the Detroit Tigers at Briggs Stadium in Detroit, Michigan, in September 1960. Sure, he has the advantage of playing with increased elevation at Coors Field, but what C.J. And . For instance, try these 1975 stories from Sports Illustrated: parts one, two and three. According to the New York Times, the team couldn't even find a jersey to fit his torso that season.\n\n\"When the Zephyrs needed a uniform shirt for Meyer a year ago, the only one big enough was a souvenir shirt in a Denver sports bar,\" Dave Anderson wrote.\n\nMeyer's high school coach in Honolulu still raves about his power, saying he could come out right now and still hit homers. Barry Bonds is currently the all-time leader with 762 home runs over his career. The only problem was, Paintin's throw wasn't a record for a womannot even close. A New York Times account of the throw when it happened described it as being the American record for college girls.), In any event, the 15-year-old Paintin (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Paintin of Coralville, a town just west of Iowa City) bested both those distances with room to spare, throwing a ball 187 feet. Quick Answer: What is the farthest hit in Google baseball? He never appeared in an All-Star Game from 1989-2001 and he never hit more than 28 homers in a single season. Photo via Joey Meyer. The legend of Babe Ruth is bigger than some of the deepest bombs he hit during an iconic career. "I've been working at this job for five years and I don't tell anybody.". I calculated it without ever knowing any records of any kind.\"\n\nTennyson was shocked when I told him it's considered perhaps the longest measured home run in the history of baseball, telling me multiple times \"that's incredible.\" One of his responsibilities was laying out the foundations for the football and baseball fields at Mile High Stadium, so he was very familiar with the grounds and dimensions.\n\n\"There were people who worked at the stadium full-time,\" Tennyson explained. Meyer admits he never saw where it landed. Palmer indeed went on to become a physical education professor and administrator at The Ohio State University. And I just calculated it from there. halivera. All records listed on our website are current and up-to-date. The distance: 656 feet to the point where it first landed! GIANCARLO STANTON 485 FOOT MOONSHOT pic.twitter.com/BaOKPbHfvO. Hill thinks it cracked 700 feet, in-depth investigations suggest it likely exceed 500 but well never know for sure. The first baseman was even given the Barry Bonds treatment in his school days, getting intentionally walked with the bases loaded.\n\n\"Yeah I always hit home runs, but I prided myself that at every level I played, I hit for average,\" Meyer said. But how far can the average 12-year-old hit a baseball? It landed on the rooftop across the street from Wrigley Field and estimates suggest it traveled around 500 feet. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. Unsurprisingly, some of the farthest home runs ever hit in the Home Run Derby happened in 2021 thanks to the effects of playing in Colorado. Christian Yelich, Milwaukee Brewers 499 feet, 499 FEET!Yeli launches one to the stratosphere. The tee is one of the best ways to hone your swing as a hitter. If we look at the list of players with the longest home runs ever hit, most of them are also incredible contact hitters. Making his return to Yankee Stadium, Minnesota Twins designated hitter Gary Sanchez blasted a two-run homer that was measured at 473 feet, making it one of the longest MLB home runs in 2022. One of the greatest legends in baseball is Mickey Mantle famously hit a 600-foot homerun at USC in 1951. Sept. 20, 2017. Under Patty Gasso, she's become the most prolific home run hitter in NCAA softball history. An All-Star selection in 2017, Minnesotas 6-foot-4 masher is more than capable of hitting one of the longest home runs ever. Ive written extensively about the evolution of the record for the longest baseball throw; this wont be nearly as comprehensive, at least for now, but I have some information about the record for the longest throw by a woman. According to the New York Times, the team couldn't even find a jersey to fit his torso that season. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Nobody had ever done it in a game. She thinks that athletics for women is a dandy field. I don't remember how I actually came up with the calculations -- it involved the speed of the baseball, what kind of arc it was on, where it landed in the east stands and where it may have been projected beyond that point.". During the 2021 MLB season, we didnt see any of the deepest homers approach the record for the longest home run ever hit. Here are the deepest home runs hit from the 2021 MLB season, with videos from MLB.com. A brief Associated Press item about her record achievement appeared in a number of newspapers across the country (although the Grand Forks, N.D., Herald misidentified her as a boy). Oakland set a major league record with 28 games to start a season without a win by the starting pitcher. In the second game of a doubleheader, Thomas took a 3-1 pitch and sent it towering to left-center and it didnt stay in the stadium long. As youll notice, Aaron Judge hit four 500-foot blasts. I appreciate things more now than I did a few years ago.". What if I told you he's currently working a regular day job way out in Maui and never even talks about it? ","type":"markdown"},{"__typename":"ExternalEmbed","data":{"__typename":"ExternalEmbedContent","html":", Its funny; I knew the LF grandstand at Mile High seemed more like Mile Away, but I never fully realized why. To hit the ball further, it comes down to how hard a player is working on their strength, athleticism, and ability to make good contact. copyright=new Date(); For comparison, the longest MLB home run in 2022 (more below) traveled 499 feet and the official record for the farthest home run ever hit in MLB history went 505 feet (Nomar Mazara). He was more just disappointed he didn't make it in the Majors for longer. So the Polo Grounds hitter/pitcher alignment depended on where the ball was hit. UPDATE 8/11/13: In her autobiography Didrikson herself perpetuated the myth that she had never played golf before 1932. For 12-year-olds, the average distance a baseball is hit is about 100 feet. Meyer technically holds the verifiable record for the deepest home run ever hit, but a look at MLBs record books and archives points us to some Hall of Famers delivering epic moments that we never got to witness. New York Yankees outfielder Giancarlo Stanton lined a ball off the bat at 122.2 mph this season, but it went directly into the second basemans glove and was turned into a double play. The only other information I have about her at this time is that she eventually married a man named Milo Alt and moved to Minneapolis, where she died in 1959 and was buried in Lakewood Cemetery. "The Guinness Book of Records" English edition is distributed in seventy different countries, with another twenty-two editions in foreign languages. Babe Ruth hit his longest home run ever here on April 4, 1919, in a game between the Boston Red Sox and the New York Giants. He works security at a hospital in Maui. #OurStandard I @HokageDoersch pic.twitter.com/sumqoWwj7D. Obviously, if a high school player can hit home runs, then they are hitting the ball 300-400 feet. Aided by the thin air, much like baseballs hit out of Coors Field today, Joey Meyer launched a towering blasted that traveled an absurd 582 feet and is the longest homer ever caught on video. Many home runs that have been part of stories of legend from past eras have since been debunked or corrected using ESPNs Home Run Tracker or Statcast Data. "I don't know why they decided to [call me]," Tennyson told me over the phone. Full Cubs leaderboard Pirates: Pedro Alvarez -- Oct. 4, 2015, vs. CIN Distance: 479 feet ( Watch it) But historians believe the ball traveled 552 feet. CJ Cron's second home run of the night gives him 16 on the season! Longest hitting streaks in MLB history April 11th, 2019 Since 1941, Joe DiMaggio has stood alone in Major League history, having strung together his iconic 56-game hitting streak. Plenty of other visiting batters have the same opportunities Cron has, but he has the second-longest home run in the season thus far.
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