Is it the AGR? Now then, here's what you need to do to get the Gold camo in Modern Warfare. I'm not going to lie to you, reader; getting the RPG in Gold to finally unlock Damascus caused me physical pain. They're so high in the sky and so small that there are a number of YouTube videos people have uploaded simply bragging about the fact they've managed to hit one. MSMC What if I want to grind all of them for fun, I finished all weapons except ar, so it doesnt feel like full auto weapons, I just got done getting ARs, Smgs and shotguns platinum and man shotguns were so easy till I got to the long shots but now Im on marksman rifles but I end up doing the SPR and the SKS instead of the Kar why well I shouldve searched this video up to see what guns I needed to do Broo for now I mean in now codm all guns wanna grind or the guns u told alone. Our writers strive to provide accurate, trustworthy and timely esports news, gaming guides, player interviews, tournament coverage and original stories from around the world. Damascus camos can feel impossible to acquire, especially with some of the games more demanding weapons. There are ten categories for each weapon, which require a series of challenges for you to unlock them. This is literally the video I needed thank you so much, Yo I was just grinding the na 45 HAHAHAHHA, so you dont need to get gold all of the secondary weapon to get damascus? Sniper Rifles. Great gameplay, nice skills, kinda laggy gameplay but boy, you have exactly what i was looking for, thank you! Also, don't forget to check out everything we know about CoD: Vanguard, including all the leaks, release dates and more! Gold, Platinum, Damascus Camo (Completionist) The Epitome Of Achievement. RUS79U Melee weapons: Kill 30 enemies from behind. 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Back in October, the devs released Damascus, a third mastery camo for players to show off in-game. AR-15-style rifles have been a particular point of concern among gun control proponents as . Sniper Rifles: Kill 600 enemies. For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. What guns are needed for Damascus Cod mobile? RELATED: How To Play Zombies Mode On COD Mobile. Here is how you unlock Obsidian camo, and what advice we have for those In short yes. Sniper Rifles: Kill 45 enemies when crouching. Plus, the launchers. When I'm not knee-deep in a game to write guides on, you'll find me hurtling round the track in F1, flinging balls on my phone in Pokemon Go, pretending to know what I'm doing in Football Manager, or clicking on heads in Valorant. I was told to only reach max lvl in order to get Damascus for that weapon. Heres how to unlock the Damascus camo in Modern Warfare. Players will have to get every Gold camo, then Platinum, to finally be able to claim Damascus. Stop Wasting Your Time - How To Get Damascus Fast 121,193 views Jul 12, 2020 4.3K Dislike Share Save YTLukeyy 83.9K subscribers BEST MP5. Assault Rifles: Kill 125 enemies with 5 attachments equipped. The Damascus NEEDS to have multiple options for colours! After unlocking Damascus, if you want to take it a step further, challenge yourself to earn the Diamond camo by unlocking Gold, Platinum, and Damascus camo weapon skins. M4A1. It's a site that collects all the most frequently asked questions and answers, so you don't have to spend hours on searching anywhere else. Marksman: Kill 350 enemies. It is divided between Gold, Platinum, Damascus camo,with increasingly difficult criteria to meet. If you havent started grinding for camos yet, it may seem like a difficult task to unlock Damascus but showing off the camo in-game lets other players know your dedication to the game. Security Police and Special Assault Team carry semi-automatic pistols and heavier submachine guns and rifles depending on the situation. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. Bath List Of Missions For Guns Needed To Unlock Damascus In COD Mobile Assault Rifles: Kill 600 enemies. Every weapon after S9 is a DLC weapon - at least that's what others told me - this is why you don't need to unlock gold camos for . How to do that dhot gun long shot?? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Light Machine Guns: Kill 45 enemies with hip fire. Pistols: Kill 25 enemies at long distance. Assault Rifles: Kill 100 enemies with headshots. Sub Machine Guns: Kill 200 enemies with full attachments. Some weapons, such as the popular M4A1, can be completed much quicker than others, for instance, the Riot Shield, which can leave you wanting to pull it out of the screen and bang your head against it. I planned to save all of the launchers till last, but as I soon discovered, this was perhaps my biggest mistake. The Damascus camo is unlocked by achieving every other camouflage in the game for each weapon;That means having gold on all 39 guns that you can use. What do I do? Took a long break and when I came back there was like 5 new guns. Obsidian camo unlocked by completing kill challenges with specific guns, i.e 15 kills in 200 different matches with the MP5. Here's a list of the name of categories in increasing order of difficulty to grind: Sand Dragon Splinter Tiger Jungle Reptile Completionist All of the categories, barring the Completionist,. For best in class sports news & features, visit our friends at, Get 180 kills whilst using all attachment slots, Get 250 kills whilst using all attachment slots, Get 150 kills whilst using all attachment slots, Get 50 point blank kills (less than 0.5m away from your opponent), Get 225 kills whilst using all attachment slots, Get 110 kills whilst using all attachment slots, Kill 40 attackers (players on an objective you own), Kill 40 defenders (players on an objective they own), Get 30 (Knife) / 50 (Riot shield) kills using dead silence, Get 10 buzzkills (Players 1 kill off a killstreak), Get a 3 kill streak 10 times (Knife) / 2 kill streak 25 times (Riot shield), Get a 3 kill streak once (Riot shield only). Ak117 Completionist Camo is the top-dog tier of weapons camo, requiring the player to get every single camo for a weapon, and others. and our Can someone help me. It was around this time I made a plan. UAVs the most common killstreak in the game are practically impossible to hit with an RPG. Grow your YouTube Channel Quickly and Easily - Tubebuddy (at a discount) :: the coupon code 'clashpot' to get 20% off)Social Media : :-------------------------ClashPot Gaming : (YouTube) : (Facebook) : (Twitter) : (Instagram)SUBSCRIBE this Channel :------------------------------------------ out these Playlists ::--------------------------------------------Professional League Of Gamers Season 2 (PLGS2) :: 2019 Highlights (South Asia) :: League Of Gamers Season 3 (PLGS3) :: Royale -------------------------- of Clans Info \u0026 More -------------------------------------------- Stars Vault----------------------- of Clans Tips------------------------- Wars-------------------- #CODMobile #Damascus You have to complete all camo challenges for a weapon to unlock Gold, then unlock Gold for all weapons in that class (e.g. That's how much of an accomplishment it is. BK57 But all the weapons that were already in the game before the Damascus update you will have to grind for. This does not apply to Melee and Launcher objectives. Marksman: Kill 125 enemies with full attachments. Give me a game and I will write every "how to" I possibly can or die trying. Could someone please list down the exact weapons thats required for the Damascus camo? #callofduty BA1 1UA. HBRa3 FAL. How to get Damascus Camo in COD Mobile? Melee weapons: Get 2 kills without dying 30 times. Spoiler prepare for a serious CoD grind. Privacy Policy. #damascus. If they could be earned in private matches, everyone would have them all from cheating. Damascus is one of the mastery camos available in the Completionist set of camos in-game. Very helpful vid! Some challenges like hip-fire kills can be made easier by equipping the correct attachments. BY15 , man they must have changed something, as on my comment i have all those gold and dont have damascus unlocked im bent bc of it but im still gonna grind, My smg wont unlock platinum but i have them all gold please help, Just got all my smgs gold but its not giving me plat. Fox Movie review: "balances nostalgia with candour", Return to Seoul review: "A nimble investigation into identity", Citadel review: "A Bond audition but not for Richard Madden", Yellowjackets season 2 episode 5 review and recap: "Reminds us who Misty really is", Star Trek: Picard season 3 spoiler review: "Probably the most consistently brilliant season of Trek TV ever", The Mandalorian season 3 finale review: "A surprisingly definitive ending that plays it safe", Yellowjackets season 2 episode 4 review and recap: "We're back in business", Takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love, Try a single issue or save on a subscription, Issues delivered straight to your door or device. Call of Duty Modern Warfare has been one of the few things that have maintained gamers' sanity during the Covid-19 lockdowns, with players grinding countless hours to rip through the battle pass tiers, or simply to get good at the game. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. For these you will have to do the following for each weapon. This is what youll need to do to acquire Diamond camo for CoD: Mobile: As you can see, its quite a hefty amount of kills and hours that youll need to sink into CoD: Mobile, but if you manage to do so, then youll be handsomely rewarded with Diamond camo that you can slap on something like the Renetti or PP19 Bizon. Meaning you will need to complete all 100 camo challenges for several weapons in the same class. PDW-57 Submachine Guns. Im a bit late but this is actually working out. GKS Marksman: Kill 120 enemies at long distance. AFK Gaming is your go-to destination for quality esports content. Spreading out your favourite weapons will keep you from losing momentum in the grind for the Damascus. Spray Paint Woodland Digital Dragon Splinter Topo Tiger Stripes Reptile Skulls Once you earn all 100 basic camos for a weapon, you'll. FR 5.56. Man o War And if you want to unlock Damascus, youll need to earn the Platinum camo for every single weapon class in Warzone or Modern Warfare. Which specifically am I missing? Diamond and Damascus are two of the most desirable camos in CoD: Mobile, and heres how you can get your hands on them in Season 8. 1-3rd of the ars What guns do you need Gold for Damascus in Codm? Infinity Ward has predicted that it can take approximately 18 hours to get a gold gun camo, meaning that with the 39 guns, this can take you just over 702 hours of gameplay although we think you can get this done much quicker by following our Call of Duty tips further down this page. Pistols. I was most apprehensive about tackling the Knife and Riot Shield, especially the latter, because they aren't guns. Guns that are NOT required are the RAM-7, Grau 5.56, CR-56 AMAX, Striker 45, Fennec, VLK Rogue, Holger-26, MK9 Bruen, Crossbow, SKS, Rytek AMR, Renetti and the Kali Sticks. #roadtodamascus , Wall Hacks. To unlock the final camo, Obsidian, youll need to kill 15 enemies in a match 200 times. Privacy Policy. Locus Assault Rifles: Kill 50 enemies with hip fire. Proudly displaying a stunning camo is representative of all the hard work youve had to put in to be able to show off such a fine piece of art. Eventually, I started to lose interest in the franchise as I grew older, and while I'd still play them at launch, my interest would often dwindle after a few weeks. $30 to $60: If youre looking for a more specialized Damascus knife or one thats hand-forged, youll find those pricier options in the $30 to $60 range. Light Machine Guns: Kill 125 enemies with full attachments. Half LMG gold There are four Shotguns in total: Model 680, R9-0, Origin 12 & 725. I just had the RPG to go, a Call of Duty classic. Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia? I already got gold on an ar and Damascus for my other guns(expect seasonal weapons) what do I do to get Damascus for the seasonal weapons(just grind to get gold for them?). I looked on google for all the weapons added after season 9, but it didnt really tell me, so is anyone able to tell me what guns are needed, Scan this QR code to download the app now. Man Thanks A Lot. Fastest way to get Damascus Camo in Modern Warfare. Sniper Rifles: Kill 120 enemies at long distance. Well, here is the Complete list of Weapons/Guns you need to get gold to Unlock Damascus Camo in Call of Duty Mobile (CODM) - ClashPot Show more Show more Call of Duty: Mobile 2019 Browse. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL REQUIRED WEAPONS FOR DAMASCUS (and some common questions) Jmoney26 155K subscribers Join Subscribe 7.4K Share Save 130K views 2 years ago here is a short video where. #1 Leave one of your favourite guns until the end. Launchers. Enter the launchers. CODM Damascus List AR: Type 25, M16, Ak117, Ak47, Asm10, M4, BK57, LK24, ICR-1, Man o War, KN-44, HBRa3, HVK-30, DR-H SMG: RUS79U, Chicom, PDW-57, Razorback, MSMC, Pharo, GKS, Cordite, QQ9, QXR Sniper: XPR, Arctic.50, M21 EBR, DL Q33, Locus, Outlaw LMG: S36, UL 736, RPD, M4LMG, Chopper Shotguns: HS2126, BY15, HSO405, Striker, KRN 262 Assault rifles are the most versatile guns after all, which meant achieving Platinum wasn't much of a drag. So I got Damascus 2 months ago. QQ9 Platinum: Available as soon as the gold camouflage has been activated for each weapon from a weapon class (except DLC weapons). There are five Assault rifles in total: XM4, AK-47, Krig-6, QBZ-83, and FFAR-1. As the former captain of an all-woman esports team, her roots lie firmly in PC gaming but she does enjoy that one map in Call of Duty: Mobile. List Of Missions For Guns Needed To Unlock Damascus In COD Mobile. I think that one was in the game before the damascus update. Below is a (hopefully) complete list of weapons currently available in Damascus. Sub Machine Guns: Kill 400 enemies. Here is what you need to do to unlock the different camo sets: Launchers: Kill 50 enemies and 50 scorestreaks. Sub Machine Guns: Kill 45 enemies at long distance. Do you have to grind for real the luanchers ? Play Well..!! Trigger bot is the alternative variant of aimbot. So if you want to have a platinum skin for your Kar98k, you have to unlock the gold camo for all Marksman & Sniper Rifles (except SKS, Crossbow, SP-R 208 & Rytec AMR) to get it. A week or two after playing Modern Warfare most evenings for a few hours, I'd earned the Platinum camo for assault rifles. Just as all the weapon camo options do in Modern Warfare, the gold, platinum and damascus options require you to do specific things to unlock them. Challenges like Overall kills will progress whilst you complete other challenges, so it is best not to focus your time in completing these first. 3:02Will I do damascus for you?? To get the hardest of the Modern Warfare camos (opens in new tab) Damascus I had to earn Gold on every single core gun in the game all the guns that were in Modern Warfare on release, and thankfully not the ones added post-launch. For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. I need to destroy 10 enemy vtols but no one uses it anymore. Call of Duty: Warzone Damascus Weapon Camos service is available for purchase worldwide. These Mastery camos are not straightforward, will require some work, but will reward your efforts in Season 8. Before I knew it, I'd earned gold camo on both the M4A1 and Kilo 141 assault rifles, so I pushed them to one side and started plucking away at the rest of the guns in the category. For more information, please see our For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. The 10v10 modes should have more killstreaks to shoot down, right? To unlock the Damascus camo in Modern Warfare you first need to unlock the Platinum camo. Kill 400 enemies Get 75 kills whilst crouching Get 75 hip fire kills Get 50 point blank kills (less than 0.5m away from your opponent) Get 50 longshot kills Get 225 kills whilst using all attachment slots Assault Rifles: Kill 80 enemies at long distance. How many guns do you need to get gold for DM Ultra? Here is a list of guns and missions needed to unlock Damascus in COD Mobile. Waiting for a Jokr missile to lock on and fire on Shipment during 5v5 is just about enough time to be killed about three times over. This includes the Renetti pistol, Crossbow, SKS Sniper and the MK9 Bruen. . KRN 262. in the current season are still the same guns or was added new guns that need gold camo to unlock damascus? Pistols: Kill 200 enemies. If I were to ever complete the task, I'd need different "Damascus Grind" classes depending on the map and mode I was playing. You need to unlock gold for all the weapons like all the ARs, all SMGs, all snipers, all LMGs etc. What guns do you need for Damascus Codm? To unlock the diamond camo, you need to unlock all gold camos in a particular weapon category which are assault rifles, submachine guns, tactical rifles, light machine guns, and sniper rifles. Damascus is more attuned to the camo unlock requirements of previous Call of Duty games in which you need to acquire the Platinum camo for every weapon to get your hands on the ultimate camo. On GGRecon, smart voices & original ideas take centre stage. I could hit ground vehicles like IAV tanks, but they'd take three to four missiles, and doing that would only disable them, not destroy them entirely. Find out how you can unlock and apply Diamond camo and Damascus camo to your guns in CoD: Mobile Season 8. Ak47 Here is how to unlock Diamond and Damascus camo in CoD Mobile. Cookie Notice Arctic.50 To get the hardest of the Modern Warfare camos Damascus I had to earn Gold on. There are six Pistols in total: M19, X16, 1911, .357, .50 GS & Renetti. Thank you in advance. Still the same ? Eventually however, the Strela, Pila, and Jokr were done. #LockdownDamascusGrind should be trending by now. How to unlock Platinum camo. I tried Ground War, thinking the plethora of vehicles everywhere would make it easier, but nope. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. DR-H, SMG: Getting Platinum means getting Gold camo for every weapon, and to get Gold camo, youll need to get every other camo available. Shotguns: Kill 200 enemies with full attachments. Because of that u earned a new subscriber. Also you dont need to grind for the Kilo-action bolt, my mistake, Hey I got a problem I unlocked damascus for all guns except those you said in the video and I also made my ppbizon gold but I didnt get damascus why? You will unlock the Damascus Camo by getting gold on each weapon that you can use. Unlocking Damascus will require you to unlock Gold tier camos for every single weapon category: Each camo comes with its own mission to complete like killing enemies, getting headshots and long distance takedowns. This will then unlock Platinum on these weapons. There are eight Assault rifles in total: Kilo 141, AK-47, FAL, FN Scar 17s, FR 5.56, Oden, M13 & M4A1. M13. :(, I dont think you need secondary weapons no more, do i need to get dlc weapons gold to unlock damasucs. HS2126 QXR, Sniper/Marksman: I got through them quicker than anticipated, because even though my kill-to-death ratio in each game would be horribly negative, the small maps and double XP meant I'd still earn enough kills to level them up quickly. Do I unlock Damascus on seasonal weapons without grinding it? For these, you will have to do the following for each weapon. That means all primary weapons (Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Marksmen Rifles, Snipers and Shotguns), and all secondary weapons (Pistols, Launchers and Melee). 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Light Machine Guns: Kill 400 enemies. Weapon Guides. Its the only gun i need to get damascus. Even if you have a bad game of CoD: Mobile, at least youve been able to die with style! Marksman. Razorback Grind whatever i didn't list. Hi I will make a similar vid and I will give u credit. and our That means all primary weapons (Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Light Machine Guns, Marksmen Rifles, Snipers and Shotguns), and all secondary weapons (Pistols, Launchers and Melee). It's shotgun time, baby. Hitting max level and prestige became a breeze, I grew tired of competing at events around the country I longed for something more challenging. EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Limited Or Anthology Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Supporting Actor In A Comedy Series, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actress In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie, EMMY NOMINATIONS 2022: Outstanding Lead Actor In A Limited Or Anthology Series Or Movie. Dispensing with the usual nature of progressive camos and accumulating them all to unlock the overall granddaddy camo Diamond there are actually separate challenges for you to complete to unlock it. Follow these five tips will help you quickly progress through these challenges. #2 Run a melee weapon as your secondary throughout the process. Any tips? My advice is to look for a 3-4 month old video in YouTube, on how to get Damascu on codm and you will see the entire list.. is not easy for someone to write all the s9 weapons here.. To get Platinum camo, you will need to unlock gold for all weapons in one category e.g Assault Rifles, SMGs, etc.
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list of all guns needed for damascus 2023