Our Daily Maintenance Checklist Will Keep your Ottawa Running The Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor is the latest generation machine from the creator of the terminal tractor in 1958. Motorbooks Intl. Daily maintenance of your Ottawa yard truck is crucial to prolong the lifespan of your truck and protect the drivers. KALMAR OTTAWA T2 MAINTENANCE MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib Heavy 4x4 TR618i | Kalmar Ottawa 2018 OTTAWA T2 W/ HIGHWAY PACKAGE, CUMMINS ISB 6.7L 200HP ENGINE, 3000 RDS ALLISON AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION, SPRING SUSPENSION, 12,000# FRONT AXLE, 24,000# REAR AXLE, 11Rx22.5 TIRES, S 2016 Ottawa T2 DOT On road S/A Yard Spotter Truck with Cummins ISB Motor, 200hp, Allison 3000rds automatic trans, 12000lb front axle, 30000lb rear axle 11r22.5 tires on steel wheels, 2010 Ottawa YT30 DOT / on road S/A yard spotter tractor with a Cummins ISB motor, 200 HP, Allison 3000RDS Automatic Trans, 7.17 rear ratio, 12000 front axle, 30000lb rear axle, 11r22 2001 Ottawa Commando C50 Single Axle Yard Jockey Truck with a Cummins 5.9L Motor, Allison Automatic Transmission, has trailer safety stops Truck runs well - Off Road Unit with 33K hours, 2015 Ottawa yard spotter. Many winter service vehicles are based on dump trucks, to allow the placement of ballast to weigh the truck down or to hold sodium or calcium chloride salts for spreading on snow and ice covered surfaces. Depending on the axle arrangement, a triple transfer can haul up to 129,000 kilograms (284,000 pounds) with a special permit in certain American states. bcmuseumofmining.org. "TRANSFER DUMP TRUCKS - B-BOX" via YouTube. These are common on Nevada and Utah Highways, but not in California. They offered hydraulic lift gates, hydraulic winches and a dump trailer for sales in the early 1920s. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. Size: 698.7 KB. Yes, their is a Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor in the 4x2 format availible which can be configured for road-ready DOT/EPA certified use, making it ideal for operations that needs to move loads between sites by traveling on open roads. Text Seller. Engine options are provided for OFF-HIGHWAY and DOT/EPA certified applications with a choice of power ratings available from several engine manufac- turers. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. These are just the different names that are used in different parts of the world. Full service. California Case Report: 07CA001. For over 20 years, Yard Truck Specialists has been #1 in truck and parts sales for all Kalmar Ottawa dealers. Renting a Dump Truck from Team Equipment Rental in Arizona offers significant cost-savings. In addition, it is almost immune to upset (tipping over) while dumping, unlike the semi end dumps which are very prone to tipping over. The bed is raised by a vertical hydraulic ram mounted under the front of the body, or a horizontal hydraulic ram and lever arrangement between the frame rails, and the back of the bed is hinged at the back of the truck. In. An articulated dumper is an all-wheel drive, off-road dump truck. If the truck is not parked on relatively horizontal ground, the sudden change of weight and balance due to lifting of the body and dumping of the material can cause the truck to slide, or even to tip over. There are a few reasons this might happen: To regain access, please make sure that cookies and JavaScript are enabled before reloading the page. Automatic Transmission. endstream endobj 18 0 obj <> endobj 19 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0 0 612 792]/Type/Page>> endobj 20 0 obj <>stream Retrieved 21 Sep 2016. internationaltrucks.com. 2226. Founded in Bensalem, Pennsylvania in 1983, Yard Truck Specialists is the authorized dealer for Kalmar Ottawa terminal tractors and accessories for the state of Pennsylvania and much of the Mid-Atlantic. Off-highway dump trucks [20] are heavy construction equipment and share little resemblance to highway dump trucks. Retrieved 22 Sep 2016. *****SOLD****** Call for more options 678-672-7796 This Ottawa 4x2 DOT has had an easy life. 2016. Myerstown, PA. $49,900. Kalmar Heavy TT TR618i Size: 759.3 KB Kalmar Heavy Terminal Tractor TR618i Spec Sheet Size: 796.5 KB Technical information Metric US Guaranteed to perform. [22] The live bottom trailer is an approach to eliminate this danger. Trailing 11 to 13 feet (3.35 to 3.96 m) behind the rear tandem, the trailing axle stretches the outer "bridge" measurementthe distance between the first and last axlesto the maximum overall length allowed. 0000001187 00000 n New & Used Ottawa Trucks For Sale - Trucker to Trucker Major manufacturers include Volvo CE, Terex, John Deere and Caterpillar. Ready to go to 2003 Ottawa commando 50. Additional information is available in this. The Kalmar Ottawa T2 Shunt or Yard Truck comes fitted with many safety features as standard, with each having 3-point access, non slip climbing surfaces, rear access platform and door, taller wider windows for improved visibility and an ergonomically designed cabin to make sure your drivers are in control at all times. 2010. pp. Hko0+G3qR"um6Di. Another safety consideration is the leveling of the truck before unloading. Another configuration is called a triple transfer train, consisting of a "B" and "C" box. By this way of steering, the trailers wheels follow the same path as the front wheels. Kalmar Ottawa - Yard Tractors. only 1111 hours. A typical dump truck is equipped with an open-box bed, which is hinged at the rear and equipped with hydraulic rams to lift the front, allowing the material in the bed to be deposited ("dumped") on the ground behind the truck at the site of delivery. As of 2007, a triple transfer costs a contractor about $105 an hour, while a A/B configuration costs about $85 per hour. 1-866-205-3172. We have full service road service trucks and shops that keep all equipment running smoothly. 0000003676 00000 n For example, within the United States, the maximum weight limit is 40 short tons (36.3 t; 35.7 long tons) throughout the country, except for specific bridges with lower limits. It is in this context that double and triple bottoms are found within the United States. Delivery and pickup from our Arizona dealership is also offered for your convenience with competitive rates. A transfer dump is a standard dump truck pulling a separate trailer with a movable cargo container, which can also be loaded with construction aggregate gravel, sand, asphalt, klinkers, snow, wood chips, triple mix, etc. Call Best Used Trucks of Pa Inc. at 717-933-9792 2001 Ottawa Commando C50 Single Axle Yard Jockey Truck with a Cummins 5.9L Motor, Allison Automatic Transmission, has trailer safety stops Truck runs well - Off Road Unit with 33K hours. Ottawa Yard Truck with running Cummins 6 BT 5.9L engine. You're a power user moving through this website with super-human speed. Weve gone back to the drawing board and consulted with the real terminal tractor experts, and our customers, to create a machine that delivers where it really matters on your bottom line. Thornycroft developed a steam dust-cart in 1896 with a tipper mechanism. 0000008246 00000 n Learn More Toggle Navigation HOME CONTACT PARTS & SERVICE FINANCING WARRANTY CAREERS ADA COMPLIANCE STATEMENT Call 1-800-445-1141 Best selling products. 0000007411 00000 n When the truck is empty or ready to offload, the trailing axle toggles up off the road surface on two hydraulic arms to clear the rear of the vehicle. From the ground up, every aspect of the Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor is designed to make the high-pressure task of spotting trailers in your terminal smoother, safer and more efficient. Stage III and Stage IV engines are available in some markets, please check with your local Kalmar Sales Support team. The container is loaded on the ground, then pulled onto the back of the truck with a winch and cable. Retrieved 2008-12-26. Size: 1.2 MB, Ottawa 4X2 DOT/EPA Specification Sheet English 2022 2001 OTTAWA 30 YARD GOAT. The container has rollers on the rear and can be moved forward or back until the front of it is lowered onto the ground. 2017 OTTAWA T2 Yard Spotter Trucks Price: USD $69,900 Get Financing* Truck Location: Charlotte, North Carolina 28269 Stock Number: 2534 Mileage: 28,676 mi Engine Manufacturer: CUMMINS Horsepower: 200 HP Transmission: Automatic Transmission Manufacturer: ALLISON Transmission Type: Allison RDS Suspension: Spring Compare AMERITRUCK LLC 14% OFF! Transfer dump trucks typically haul between 26 and 27 short tons (23.6 and 24.5 t; 23.2 and 24.1 long tons) of aggregate per load, each truck is capable of 3-5 loads per day, generally speaking. Whether you need a rental truck for a current project or are ready to invest in a truck- you are in the right place. And when it comes to the cabin, we really took things beyond the ordinary, with easier and safer entry and exit points, superb visibility and protection, and unparalleled comfort and user-friendliness. From the ground up, every aspect of the Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor is designed to make the high-pressure task of spotting trailers in your terminal smoother, safer, and more efficient. 17 0 obj <> endobj Dimensions: 21 X 16 X 10 | Weight: Lbs | Questions? The cable was connected to the lower front end of the wooden dump box which was attached by a pivot at the back of the truck frame. Its modular chassis is built to cope with the heavy demands of your operational needs, yet is lightweight enough to reduce fuel consumption and increase maneuverability. Yard trucks have a broad range of uses and settings in which they can be used. It has a hinge between the cab and the dump box, but is distinct from a semi-trailer truck in that the power unit is a permanent fixture, not a separable vehicle. Double and triple trailer bottom dump truck. In. The cross spread type gate will actually spread the cereal grains fairly and evenly from the width of the trailer. 104 were here. The lifting device was a winch attached to a cable that fed over sheave (pulley) mounted on a mast behind the cab. - bcmuseumofmining Resources and Information." Kalmar terminal tractors are adapted to a variety of needs for cargo handling in ports and terminals. GVW and carry 26 short tons (23.6 t; 23.2 long tons) of payload or more. PDF Ottawa 30 Off Road Standard Specifications - Pro Truck Allison automatic transmission that was rebuilt in April. And when it comes to the cabin, we really took things beyond the ordinary, with easier and safer entry and exit points, superb visibility and protection, and unparalleled comfort and user-friendliness. Because of their size and the difficulty of maintaining visual contact with on-foot workers, dump trucks can be a threat, especially when backing up. August Fruehauf had obtained military contracts for his semi-trailer, invented in 1914 and later created the partner vehicle, the semi-truck for use in World War I. 0000006489 00000 n As of 2007, a triple transfer costs a contractor about $105 an hour, while a A/B configuration costs about $85 per hour. The 4-axle eight wheeler has two steering axles at the front and two powered axles at the rear[13] and is limited to 32 metric tons (35 short tons; 31 long tons) gross weight in most EU countries. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. The Kalmar Ottawa T2 Yard or Shunt Truck comes fitted with a Stage V Cummins engine as standard. Frank's Auto & Truck Salvage | Apache Junction AZ - Facebook 60 0 obj <>stream DOT vs. Off-Highway What's the Difference? - Eagle Mark 4 Equipment Co Also, when dumping loose materials or cobble sized stone, the side dump can become stuck if the pile becomes wide enough to cover too much of the trailer's wheels. Kalmar Ottawa Yard Truck Parts. We also deliver forklifts for rent and lease equipment everywhere to your location. Today, virtually all dump trucks operate by hydraulics and they come in a variety of configurations each designed to accomplish a specific task in the construction material supply chain. The key advantage of a semi end dump is a large payload. Size: 698.7 KB. Haul trucks are used in large surface mines and quarries. Click the button Cookie Settings to manage your preference. Pkg. [11][12], European Union heavy trucks often have two steering axles. Download Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor Size: 1.4 MB Ottawa 6x4 DOT/EPA Specification Sheet 2022 Size: 698.7 KB Retrieved January 15, 2010. ^ "Dump Truck Operator Manual" (PDF). Call or email us to rent from our diversified rental inventory featuring dump truck rentals, forklift rentals, excavator rentals, wheel loader, backhoe, tractor, skidsteer, motorgrader, compactor, trailer, trench roller and many hydraulic hammer models and sizes. hb```g``f`e`(obd@ A(GdUa(+pt K"q(f`Hbgz7A@/a)6@ y3@d h Used Ottawa Yard Trucks For Sale - Trucker to Trucker Wheel Size: 22.5 Hub Pilot Mileage: 119808 Mileage: 119808 Engine: ISB 5.9 Cummins . Fifth-wheel lifting is faster and more powerful than ever thanks to quick-lift cylinders, spherical top and bottom bearings and improved lift support. [c] Most unpowered rear axles can be raised off the ground to minimize wear when the truck is empty or lightly loaded, and are commonly called lift axles. [permanent dead link]. . macktrucks.com. singingwheels.com. trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 72 0 obj<>stream Find Yard Spotter Trucks from OTTAWA, CAPACITY, and TICO, and more . PDF Ottawa 4x2 Off Road Standard Specifications - Yard Truck Dump Truck Rentals Arizona - equipmentrental The second aggregate container on the trailer ("B" box),[17] is powered by an electric motor, a pneumatic motor or a hydraulic line. All Capacity TJ Series truck models can be off-highway or DOT, depending on your needs. Our rental fleet is inspected by our highly trained service department with regularly scheduled maintenance procedures to assure safe, reliable, productive machinery. Individual states, in some instances, are allowed to authorize trucks up to 52.5 short tons (47.6 t; 46.9 long tons). ^ "WorkStar (sales brocure)" (PDF). ITrack ProAmerican Truck Parts,inc Douglas GA. 1983 OTTAWA 30 Complete Vehicle. Most large size haul trucks employ Diesel-electric powertrains, using the Diesel engine to drive an AC alternator or DC generator that sends electric power to electric motors at each rear wheel. 2022 New Kalmar Ottawa Off-Road New $ $ Used 2015 Ottawa Off Road 2015 15,600 Kalmar Ottawa Off-Road Used $ $ California FACE Investigation 00CA005. Steering is accomplished via hydraulic cylinders that pivot the entire tractor in relation to the trailer, rather than rack and pinion steering on the front axle as in a conventional dump truck. Our yard truck features faster fifth-wheel lifting and lowering - to speed up your trailer handling, critical in todays fast-paced work environments. Designed to bring order, control and efficiency to your trailer handling, our yard truck combines superb power, functionality and performance with excellent ergonomics and easily accessible maintenance points. - Description The Ottawa T2 yard tractor is designed to utilize the benefits of a diesel engine of the type customarily found in fire engines, dump trucks and refuse haulers. It features faster fifth-wheel lifting and lowering - to speed up your trailer handling, which is critical in todays fast-paced work environments. 2020 New Ottawa 6X4 Tandem DOT 2020 Kalmar Ottawa On-Highway New 2014 Capacity TJ5000 2014 5737 Capacity Off-Road Used 2016 Ottawa T2 4X2 DOT 2016 5777 Kalmar Ottawa On-Highway Used $ $ New, Heavy Duty, Off Road, Ottawa I . pp. Completely Refurbished in 2012 at a cost of over $45,000. The more appropriate U.S. term for this strictly off road vehicle is "haul truck" and the equivalent European term is 'dumper'. The tailgate can be configured to swing up on top hinges (and sometimes also to fold down on lower hinges)[10] or it can be configured in the "High Lift Tailgate" format wherein pneumatic rams lift the gate open and up above the dump body. Dump Trucks. LOKUTAS GARAGE. Team Equipment Rentals serves the needs of our customers with quality rental equipment, implements, tractors, parts, and other necessities at the best prices possible with great service. Our Ottawa 4x2 Terminal Tractor is suitable for warehousing and distribution centers, light industrial, container and intermodal handling. The operator turned a crank to raise and lower the box. hbbd```b``:" D2eE`XVLHn0;D2$H0iDZIF:[4 "ynML@- HC? \i Whether big or small, clean or dirty, urban or remote, the Ottawa 4x2 yard jockey is ready for your operation. lernerbooks.com. Myerstown, PA. It rolls on small wheels, riding on rails from the trailer's frame into the empty main dump container ("A" box). Several countries have made rules that new trucks should have bumpers approximately 40 cm (16 in) above ground in order to protect other drivers. OFF-HIGHWAY DOT Off-Highway Features Engine Powertrain Chassis Cab Other Additional Options Cummins QSBT3 6.7L 185 Horsepower, 2500 RPM Turbocharged and Charge Air Cooled *for international use only 0000002776 00000 n Our staff has the experience and knowledge to get you the proper truck for your rental needs or help you towards the right direction. 69. Ford Trucks Since 1905. Our Service sets us apart from the competition and our wide array of products and brands allows Team Equipment Rentals to offer the best products. 50 Lbs of oil Pressure at idle. ******SOLD******* Call for more options 678-672-7796 2013 Ottawa 4x2 DOT/EPA w/ ABS, SKY CAB,****** Extremely Low Hours*******. The first known Canadian dump truck was developed in Saint John, New Brunswick when Robert T. Mawhinney attached a dump box to a flat bed truck in 1920. Our Ottawa 6x4 DOT/EPA Terminal Tractor is suitable for warehousing and distribution centers, light industrial, container and intermodal handling - with the certification to access public roads when your operation needs it. Galion-Godwin Truck Body Co. Retrieved 13 September 2016. 2022 Ottawa T-2 Yard Truck, Off Road, Cummins Electronic Engine, 173HP, Engine Block Heater, Fuel Water Separator w/Heater, Max Speed 25MPH, Allison Trans, Meritor Axles, 116 . Tag #: 25271 : YARD TRUCK: Tag #: 25271 VIN #: 74332: YARD TRUCK: Part Info (912)383-8888 Request Info. The key advantage of a semi bottom dump is its ability to lay material in a windrow, a linear heap. OTTAWA 30 Yard Spotter Trucks For Sale 1 - 25 of 25 Listings Start Saving today! The specific type of dump truck used in any specific country is likely to be closely keyed to the weight and axle limitations of that jurisdiction. New complete paint job and decals. Our customers range from the contractor to the large construction and mining corporations. Weve gone back to the drawing board and consulted with the real yard truck experts, our customers, to create a machine that delivers where it really matters on your bottom line. A semi bottom dump or belly dump is a 3-axle tractor pulling a 2-axle trailer with a clam shell type dump gate in the belly of the trailer. Find new and used Ottawa Yard Spotter Trucks For Sale by owners and dealers near you on MyLittleSalesman.com. You need to accept targeting cookies before you can view the YouTube content. Truck owners call their trailing axle-equipped trucks Superdumps because they far exceed the payload, productivity, and return on investment of a conventional dump truck. Kalmar Ottawa - Yard Tractors - MasonLift Limited Salvage Heavy Duty Ottawa Trucks | TPI - Truck Parts Inventory The TJ 9000 is a single-axle yard jockey truck with an impressive GCWR of up to 242,000-lbs. You've disabled JavaScript in your web browser. 2004 Ottawa Commando 30 yard truck. Ask Chuck: Ottawa Curb Weight - Louisville Switching Fresh Paint inside and out completed on 12/1/2016.T **** SOLD **** Call for more options 678-672-7796 Clean Pre-DEF Ottawa! PITTSTON, PA. (570) 655-1900. Whether big or small, clean or dirty, urban or remote, the Ottawa 4x2 yard jockey is ready for your operation. Kalmar produces their Ottawa 6x4 terminal tractor which is a 6x4 tandem axle truck for over-the-road transport (in North America) of containers and trailers. The term dump truck is not generally used by the mining industry, or by the manufacturers that build these machines. The Caterpillar 797 is unique for its size, as it employs a Diesel engine to power a mechanical powertrain, typical of most road going vehicles and intermediary size haul trucks. You can easily fit up to two king-sized bed sets, 3 seater sofa, love seat, coffee table, 4 person dining table with chairs, and a TV stand in this spacious truck. 2006 FREIGHTLINER DAYCAB. Quicker, easier monitoring and maintenance, Unrivalled ergonomics and user-friendliness. You've disabled cookies in your web browser. The disadvantage is that in a collision with a standard car, the entire motor section or luggage compartment goes under the truck. Cummins engine allison Transmission. Myerstown, PA. $49,900. Transfer dump trucks typically haul between 26 and 27 short tons (23.6 and 24.5 t; 23.2 and 24.1 long tons) of aggregate per load, each truck is capable of 3-5 loads per day, generally speaking. Fifth-wheel lifting is faster and more powerful than ever, thanks to quick-lift cylinders, spherical top, and bottom bearings, and improved lift support. This increases the gross weight allowed under the federal bridge formula, which sets standards for truck size and weight. If you have an existing truck that requires parts or repairs, our service team is ready to help you get back to work. Myerstown, PA. %%EOF There are also rules about how long the load or construction of the truck can go beyond the rear bumper to prevent cars that rear-end the truck from going under it.[21]. The hoist is raised and the container slides down the subframe so the rear is on the ground. Air Reservoir Option, Air Lines - ABS Brakes Option - On-Highway Only, Air Lines - Traction Control Option for ABS Brakes - On-Highway Only, Traction Control Option for Use with ABS Brake Option Circuit, Air Lines - 3Rd Air Tank Option - Off-Highway Only, Transmission Shifter, Fifth-Wheel Control and Panel Lighting, Turn Signal, Tail, Brake Lights and Emergency Flasher, Trucks Kalmar Ottawa T2 Operator's Manual, Tractor Kalmar DCF100-45E7 Operator's Manual, Page 21: Preventive Maintenance Technique, Page 38: Front End Towing (All Wheels On The Ground), Page 63: Automatic Traction Control (Optional), Page 72: Diagnosis (Hydrostatic Steering), Page 79: Hydraulic Pump With Priority Valve Tests - Boom, Page 84: Frame, Body, Cab And Accessories, Page 94: Heating, Ventilation And Air Conditioning, Page 98: Clearance, Marker And Tail Lights, Page 104: Transmission Shifter/Fifth-Wheel Control And Panel Lighting, Page 109: Construction And Suspension Of Cab/Deck, Page 113: Cab Tilt (Hydraulic) Components, Page 116: Repair (Pump And Motor Installation), Page 122: Repair (Pivot Bushing Installation), Page 124: Repair (Cab Suspension Assembly Installation), Page 125: Repair (Air Ride Level Adjustment), Page 133: Repair (Making Reinforcements, Attachment), Page 141: Temperature Control, Cleaning And Hydraulic Oil, Page 168: 5Th Wheel Interlock Option Circuit, Page 170: Tractor/Trailer Park Brake Valve Option Circuit, Page 172: Quick Trailer Air/R14 Valve Option Circuit, Page 173: Trailer Hand Brake Option Circuit, Page 174: Trailer Hose Connection Glad Hands Both Ends Coiled Air Lines Circuit, Page 179: Additional 7.35 Cu. 19k HRS Dot legal. 0000001526 00000 n SEARCH - Complete Vehicle - Heavy Truck Parts Designed to bring order, control and efficiency to your trailer handling, the Ottawa 6x4 DOT/EPA yard truck combines superb power, functionality and performance with excellent ergonomics and easily accessible maintenance points. In Ro/Ro applications, Kalmar uses its low clearance cab with minimum turning radius for those tight maneuvers. Call Best Used Trucks of Pa Inc. at 717-933-9792 2001 Ottawa Commando C50 Single Axle Yard Jockey Truck with a Cummins 5.9L Motor, Allison Automatic Transmission, has trailer safety stops Truck runs well - Off Road Unit with 33K hours. Yard Spotter Trucks For Sale - 1068 Listings | TruckPaper.com After completing the CAPTCHA below, you will immediately regain access to the site again. ^ Home Front Heroes: A Biographical Dictionary of Americans During Wartime. The shorter wheelbase of a standard dump truck often makes it more maneuverable than the higher capacity semi-trailer dump trucks. ^ Wood, Donald (2001). It's perfect for distribution operations in dispersed warehouses, distribution centers and terminals where short distance highway travel is required. From the ground up, every aspect of the Kalmar Ottawa T2 Terminal Tractor is designed to make the high-pressure task of spotting trailers in your terminal smoother, safer and more efficient. Yard Truck Specialists - H&K Equipment Group Cylinders: 6 Fuel type: Diesel Transmission Automatic Chassis Axles: Single Suspension: Spring Brakes: Air PTO GVWR: 3,500 lbs Interior AC, Heat Operational Deck plate: Aluminum Fifth wheel type: Hydraulic lift Fuel tank: Dual Tires Size: 275/80R22.5 Notes Tires need replaced, two tires punctured Windshield chipped or cracked A dump truck (known in the UK as a dumper/tipper truck) is a truck used for transporting loose material (such as sand, gravel, or demolition waste) for construction. You are spared the hassle of storing and maintaining and also get to select the latest and the most relevant machine, rather than having to make do with a single machine that may not suit your purpose. Rock, dirt and other types of materials commonly hauled in trucks of this type are quite heavy, and almost any style of truck can be easily overloaded. 1884, showing an early lever-based dumping mechanism, The dump truck is thought to have been first conceived in the farms of late 19th century western Europe. 9126873004. Unpowered axles are sometimes used to support extra weight. 2005 Ottawa C30 - 4x2 - Off Road - A/C- Cummins 6.7 QSB - 155 HP - 16,793 Hours - Allison MD3060 Auto Trans - Meritor FF-961 Front axle - Meritor RS-23-186 Rear axles - 7.83:1 - 116" 2009 Ottawa C30 - 4x2 - Off Road - A/C - Cummins 6.7 QSB - 173 HP - 40696 Hours - Allison RDS3000 Auto Trans - Meritor FF-961 Front axle - Meritor RS-23-186 Rear axles - 7.83:1 ratio 2013 Ottawa C30 - Off Road - 4x2 - Yard Spotter - Cummins 6.7 QSBT - 165 HP - 20K Hrs - Allison RDS3000 - Meritor Axles 13.2K/23K (30K Terminal) - 116" wheelbase - 7.17:1 ratio - Rai 2015 Ottawa C30 4X2 - Road Legal DOT - Spotter - Air Conditioning - Cummins 6.7 QSBT4 - 173 HP - 35K Hrs - Allison RDS3000 - Meritor Axles 13.2K/23K (30K Terminal) - 7.17:1 ratio - 1 2016 Ottawa T2 - Off Road - Yard Spotter - Cummins 6.7 QSB - 164 HP - 12K Hrs - Allison Transmission RDS3000 - Meritor Axles 13.2K/23K (30K Terminal) - 116" Wheelbase - 7.17:1 ratio 2017 Ottawa T2 - 6X4 - Road Legal DOT - Spotter - Tandem Axle - Cummins 6.7 QSBT - 200 HP - 10K Hrs - Allison RDS-3000 - Meritor Axles 12K/20K (30K Terminal) - 7.17:1 Ratio - 140" Wh 2014 Ottawa C30 - Off Road - Yard Spotter - Cummins 6.7 QSB - 173 HP - 20K Hrs - Allison RDS3000 - Meritor Axles 13.2K/23K (30K Terminal) - 116" wheelbase - 7.17:1 Ratio - Raised Roo 2012 Ottawa 6x4 DOT/EPA Clean Idle Certified, 2016 Ottawa T2 - Off Road - Low Hours - Fleet Truck, 2017 Ottawa T2 - Road Legal DOT - Tandem Axle - Low Hours, 2014 Ottawa C30 - Off Road - Low Hours - Fleet Truck. 58,936 miles on odometer, Cummins six cylinder turbo diesel engine Engine is bad, Automatic transmission, Heat, Air ride cab, Single fuel tank, Hydraulic fifth wheel lift, Full poly fenders, Steel deck plate, Single rear exhaust stack, Wet kit, Solid suspension, Air brakes, 114" wheelbase, 11R22.5 tires, Extensive interior and exterior cosmetic damage, Side . 2016. The Superdump and trailing axle concept was developed by Strong Industries of Houston, Texas. Double and triple bottom dumps consist of a 2-axle tractor pulling one single-axle semi-trailer and an additional full trailer (or two full trailers in the case of triples). Air Reservoir Option, Additional 7.35 Cu. Stock# 12678 2001 Ottawa C50. ^ "Granite Series (sales brocure)". 0000009258 00000 n
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