An argument broke out in which Grandmother expressed her anger and disappointment at the direction Fathers life had taken: To see you in that uniform makes me want to tear the eyes from my head! Grandmother stormed out of the house, and Bruno didnt see her much before the family left Berlin. Mother had told Gretel and Bruno to go upstairs, but they eavesdropped from the top of the stairs. When Gretel laughs, Bruno reminds her that she is only twelve years old and is herself a child. Chris sings well, and that ones my favorite. Pavel helped Bruno by cleaning his wound with water, stopping the bleeding and, disinfecting it and tying a cloth around it. Bruno is frightened by the tension but also enjoys Father speaking harshly to Lieutenant Kotler. Mother had great sympathy for Herr Roller and the other young men of his generation, who had either died in Germanys name or come back from the war psychologically disturbed. How does Pavel die or get hurt in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? GradeSaver, 26 October 2014 Web. Log in here. In fact, he muses that things are pretty positive at his new home recently: Mother is no longer taking as many "afternoon naps or medicinal sherries" (178) and Gretel is staying out of Bruno's way for the most part. Por unos aos ella ____________ (viajar) con el cadver por el norte de Espaa, parndose en varios lugares sagrados. Not affiliated with Harvard College. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne. Want 100 or more? for a group? What examples of this are we given? He disapproves of Bruno's creative mind and wants instead to teach him "about the great wrongs that have been done to you" (98). Chapter 7 formally introduces Lieutenant Kotler, an inexperienced but energetic young soldier at Out-With of whom Bruno rightfully feels suspicious. Bruno injured himself by swinging too high and he fell off the tire swing. Who looks after Bruno when he gets hurt and what does he do?11. Grandfather remained proud of his son. 10. Who looks after him . Did Bruno die? What causes both Bruno and Gretel to feel uncomfortable with Lieutenant Kotler? Why, it makes me sick. When Lieutenant Kotler addressed Pavel and told him to fetch a tire for Brunos swing, he barked at the old man and repeatedly called him a name. eNotes Editorial, 14 Sep. 2017, When Bruno asks her what he and their family are, if not Jews, she says simply that they are "the opposite" (183). Refine any search. Since a running theme in the book is Bruno's love of his father, and his unwillingness to understand that his father is involved in evil deeds, the violence of Kotler -- while his father says and does nothing -- allows him to understand that allowing evil to happen is just as bad as committing it. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bruno cannot understand what the reader knows: Pavel is a prisoner at Auschwitz, who has been torn away from his life as a practicing doctor and is being forced to wait on Bruno's family in the house. The Boy in the Striped Pajamas essays are academic essays for citation. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Even so, the reader can gather that the word Lieutenant Kotler used was derogatory. Brunos recollection that Mother refused to talk to him about the First World War is indicative of how she and Father handle the current war. A few days later, Bruno gets the urge to go exploring, something he used to love to do before coming to Out-With. Teachers and parents! What examples of this are we given? After he winds the. Latest answer posted April 15, 2020 at 12:33:04 PM. "In The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, chapter 7, how does Bruno treat Pavel?" My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. Mother tells Bruno that before suffering a head injury during the Great War, Herr Roller had loved to dance. 10.) Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Question 2 30 seconds Q. To make matters worse, Gretel had made a habit of flirting with him, laughing at everything he said. Shmuel says that, him food. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Bruno felt like pulling away his sister from Lieutenant Kotler because he has a bad feeling and thought that Kotler was plain nasty. Lieutenant Kotler returns and scolds Shmuel for not polishing the glasses. You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. As his father is gone for most of the day, Lt. Kotler "whispers" to Bruno's mother and becomes the object of his sister's desire. Asked by olive t #696677 on 10/4 . When he accuses Shmuel of stealing food to eat, Shmuel tells him that Bruno gave it to him, and that Bruno is his friend. One of the arguments the writer of the Counterpoint essays makes is that Boynes clever wordplay is inappropriate. In chapter 7, Lieutenant Kotler is the one who tells Pavel to help Bruno with finding a tire for the boy to make a swing, and along with that, he can't finish a sentence without calling Pavel. In the case with pavel she takes a stand with Pavel and protects him, because she knows that if the Commandant would find out it would have bad consequences for Pavel. In this case, it is the derogatory term that Lieutenant Kotler calls Pavel, which Bruno doesn't understand: "'Hey, you!' Herr Roller is clearly suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome. Yet Lieutenant Kotler failed to impress Bruno, who had first encountered him in the hall on the day the family had arrived at Out-With. This is confirmed with Bruno's observations of the hushed whispers with which he speaks with Bruno's mother as well as manner in which he plays into Gretel's flirting. He also boasted a muscular physique. Missing her, Bruno wrote her a letter describing his new life at Out-With. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Several weeks go by and Bruno begins to worry that if he doesn't find some way to entertain himself at Out-With, he will go crazy. Your group members can use the joining link below to redeem their group membership. Mothers immense sympathy for the suffering of German men foreshadows Herr Liszts insistence in Chapter 9 that the Germans had suffered great wrongs. It also foreshadows Fathers claim in Chapter 13 that Out-With had been established to correct these great wrongs. Renews May 8, 2023 He also thought about how Grandmother used to devise short performances for Christmases and birthdays. what is bruno's opinion of lieutenant kotler. The grandmother was unimpressed with her son's uniform because she did not like what it stood for and what it represented. Used to have long red hair Renew your subscription to regain access to all of our exclusive, ad-free study tools. How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Bruno? Shmuel is hesitant because he knows he'll get in trouble if Lieutenant Kotler returns, but Bruno puts the food in his hands and he scarfs it down. Bruno's mother thanks Pavel for cleaning the wound but she is very uncomfortable. Bruno is happy to hear Mother thank Pavel, "because surely it was obvious to everyone that if it hadn't been for him, he would have bled to death" (85). Bruno asks about a spare tire, and Lieutenant Kotler makes a joke that goes over his head. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. (one code per order). Fathers parents reacted differently to his promotion to commandant, and their divergent reactions symbolize the divided response among ordinary Germans to the war and to the actions of the Nazi Party. Then, as Bruno leaves the room, he hears his mother tell Pavel that she will tell the commandant that she has cleaned Bruno's wounds if he asks. For the next 7 days, you'll have access to awesome PLUS stuff like AP English test prep, No Fear Shakespeare translations and audio, a note-taking tool, personalized dashboard, & much more! After several weeks at Out-With, Bruno sought new ways to entertain himself. He is cruel to the prisoners, and taunts Bruno by calling him "little man," something the boy despises. When he accuses Shmuel of stealing food to eat, Shmuel tells him that Bruno gave it to him, and that Bruno is his friend. She sends Bruno into the kitchen, where he is surprised to find Shmuel sitting at the table. for a customized plan. He also exhibited a capacity for cruelty that Bruno found shocking. Bruno's grandmother means that her son is doing whatever Hitler wants him to do to advance his career. She did not feel that it made her son special in any way and felt no pride at all. Read the Study Guide for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Trying Themes of 'The Boy in the Striped Pajamas', The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as a Genuine Fable, Introduction to The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, The Boy in the Striped Pajamas Bibliography, View the lesson plan for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, View Wikipedia Entries for The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. (including. Just like you'" (74). Latest answer posted April 15, 2020 at 12:33:04 PM. How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Bruno? Discount, Discount Code Her words to Lieutenant Kotler accomplish two things: first, they foreshadow her mental shift as she grows out of childhood; and second, they remind the reader that some of the Nazi soldiers committing horrible actions against the Jews in the concentration camps were indoctrinated teenagers. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. How does Bruno feel when Lieutenant Kotler treats Pavel like this? Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. What were some of Bruno's reasons for not liking Lieutenant Kotler? Not affiliated with Harvard College. Selecciona entre el presente, el pretrito, el imperfecto, los tiempos perfectos, los tiempos progresivos, el futuro, el condicional, el presente del subjuntivo, el presente perfecto del subjuntivo, el imperfecto del subjuntivo, el pluscuamperfecto del subjuntivo y el infinitivo. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Mother came home and Pavel quickly returned to his task. Sometimes it can end up there. Shmuel is cleaning glasses because he is the only one with small enough hands to really clean them Describe Shmuel's hand 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. When Bruno asked how he knew, Pavel said he used to be a doctor. Instant PDF downloads. What complaints does Bruno make about Herr Liszt?11. from chapters 7 to 9. Bruno's mother did not like Bruno making fun of her Roller because she knew him as a young man and she served his country in the war. Bruno senses that Lieutenant Kotler is inauthentic. He offers to cut him some food, but Shmuel says he is afraid. eNotes Editorial, 16 June 2013, On the contrary she was ashamed that her son would take a job like that. Latest answer posted May 05, 2015 at 7:36:12 PM. Suduiko, Aaron ed. When Father called himself a patriot, Grandmother had yelled, "A patriot indeed! She had been passive-aggressively referring to Father, just as she always has throughout the story. Bruno is afraid of Lieutenant Kotler because Bruno witnessed what Kotler did to a dog and to Pavel for spilling wine. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! Wed love to have you back! Bruno is startled by Pavels kindness, since he has never heard the man speak. GradeSaver, 26 October 2014 Web. Lieutenant Kotler treats Pavel very unkindly, even more unkindly than Father treats Maria. Latest answer posted June 15, 2020 at 9:34:55 PM. How did Gretel act around lieutenant Kotler? Bruno had thought the man was crazy, but Mother had rebuked him for making fun of the man, explaining that Herr Roller deserved pity. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. Neither of his parents are home, and he is uncomfortable watching his sister talk to this solder, about whom Bruno has a bad feeling. How does Bruno feel when Lieutenant Kotler treats Pavel like this?7. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1725 titles we cover. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Preparations begin so that Mother, Gretel, and Bruno can return to Berlin that week, but Bruno is nervous about telling Shmuel the news. Teachers and parents! (93). Indeed, Mother avoids talking about the war at all, and this avoidance of the subject allows her to purposefully ignore what her husband is doing. How do the experts help the author to support his claim? In the previous chapter when her children got lice, Mother complained, "If some people could only see the effect this place is having on us all" (185). Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. The grandmother to a blank wall Lieutenant Kotler made Bruno feel cold. Chrissingsmyfavoritesongwell.\underline{\color{#c34632}\text{Chris sings my favorite song well. Meanwhile, Mother is planning a birthday party for Father and Lieutenant Kotler is spending a lot of time at the house with her. On the lines provided, revise each sentence to make its meaning clear. His words could have easily come from any of the Germans who fell in line with the Nazis and didn't speak up for the Jews during the Holocaust. The soldiers come and go, and, he will be a soldier like Father, but a good one, not mean like, Back at his house that evening, Bruno is disappointed to see that, loses control of the bottle as he is filling the glass. Updated on June 29, 2019. Even though it made Bruno cry and Gretel grow pale. Gretel's reaction is likely a result of her blossoming crush . What did Lieutenant Kotler do to Pavel after he spilled the wine in his lap? Bruno is appalled that she would flirt with this young man, and when she disparages him before the officer, Bruno reveals that she is only twelve, embarrassing Gretel, who has pretended to be. Soon, the inevitable occurs and Bruno loses his grip and falls heavily upon his arm and leg; the tire viciously swings back and hits him on the head. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. 'Come over here, you--' He said the word again, and something about the harsh sound of it made Bruno look away and feel ashamed to be part of this at all'" (75). When he does see Shmuel, he notices that he is getting even thinner and more sickly looking, so Bruno tries to remember to bring him more food. When Lieutenant Kotler is suddenly transferred away from Out-With in Chapter Sixteen, Bruno notes that "there had been a lot of shouting between Father and Mother about it late at night," but it doesn't occur to him that Father has discovered Mother's affair with the young soldier and sent Lieutenant Kotler away as a result (178). Latest answer posted January 29, 2021 at 11:06:09 AM. Meghan Joyce Tozer. This dramatic irony is emphasized by the sentence fragment that makes up an entire paragraph following Pavel's description of all the things he used to do: "But not any more" (83). What is the message of the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? By not specifically naming the word, Boyne both allows the reader to take on Bruno's childlike perspective and suggests the universality of this interaction. Latest answer posted May 23, 2021 at 11:59:30 AM. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. context of the Scopes Trial. He is also deeply upset by the fact that his mother calls Kotler "precious". What happened then was both unexpected and extremely unpleasant. How does Pavel help Bruno after the accident? Bruno's mother did not like Bruno making fun of her Roller because she knew him as a young man and she served his country in the war. To the reader, it is clear that the soldiers are killing the Jews during these interactions, but Bruno cannot comprehend that. More books than SparkNotes. How do Bruno and Gretel feel about the way Lieutenant Kotler speaks to Pavel? There is evident tension between Bruno andKotler. 7. Latest answer posted May 05, 2015 at 7:36:12 PM. Mother tells Bruno that before suffering a head injury during the Great War, Herr Roller had loved to dance. Describe Shmuel's hand. Already a member? "Describe the relationship between Bruno and Lieutenant Kotler in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas." 20% At that moment, Pavel uncorks a new bottle of wine and accidentally spills it on Lieutenant Kotler because his hands are shaking. How does Gretel act around Lieutenant Kotler? As Bruno is attempting to adjust to life in Auschwitz, Lt. Kotler's frank sense of entitlement and power is something that Bruno cannot fully appropriate or accept. What literary device is this? Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. What do Bruno and Gretel see outside their window in Boyne'sThe Boy in the Striped Pajamas? How does Lieutenant Kotler treat Bruno?5. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. She says if the Commandant asks she will take credit for cleaning the wound. Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1725 titles we cover. How does Bruno injure himself? Bruno hadnt thought about Herr Roller much in recent years, but when the man flashed into his mind Bruno, realized he needed to create a diversion for himself. Before he heads off, though, he examines the bench on the pavement outside his house. The dramatic irony of the situation around Bruno's rope swing injury is complemented by the limited third-person narration. What were some of Bruno's reasons for not liking Lieutenant Kotler? will help you with any book or any question. How did Bruno injure himself?9. 9.) He is also deeply upset by the fact that his mother calls Kotler "precious". We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. This confuses Bruno who doesnt understand how Pavel is different from any other servant. "Examine the relationship between Bruno and Lt. Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. She tells Father, "This is your assignment, not ours. How did Bruno's grandmother entertain the family at parties? What is Bruno's opinion of Lieutenant Kotler? Read more about the great wrongs of history as a motif. Your subscription will continue automatically once the free trial period is over. When Lieutenant Kotler calls Pavel, how does Pavel react?8. Lieutenant Kotlers youthful enthusiasm made him one of Fathers star soldiers. When his friend finally returns, his face is covered in bruises. Suduiko, Aaron ed. Neither Mother nor Father was at home, so Bruno went to speak with one of the soldiers. on 2-49 accounts, Save 30% Pavel appeared and carried the boy to the kitchen, where he fetched a first aid kit and dressed Brunos wounds. Bruno already feels a bit of animosity towards the Lieutenant. He had initially worried that Father would perish when he first enlisted during World War I. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Lieutenant Kotler always dressed neatly, and he had impressively muscular arms, but he wore too much cologne. If you don't see it, please check your spam folder. SparkNotes PLUS He threatens Bruno as they prepare for the party Why Shmuel in the kitchen? Bruno witnesses him speak harshly about the Jews in the camp and kill a dog. Father tells them that the Fury will not relieve him of his command, but that Mother wants to go back to Berlin immediately. Bruno Remembers that he used to enjoy exploration. Father is surprised that Bruno has noticed them, but this information seems to help him make the final decision that the children should return to Berlin with Mother. He simply didnt understand why a doctor would take a job as a servant. Gretel's character develops further in Chapter Sixteen, and now she has firmly arrived on the other side of childhood. 8. The arrogant Kotler then drags Pavel into the next room and beats him so badly that he dies, leaving the maid, Maria, to clean up the mess. Bruno didnt understand the word, which doesnt actually appear in the text. Her understanding of the situation is still simplistic and lacks understanding: she has accepted what her Father and Herr Liszt have taught her without much critical thinking. The way the content is organized. And to see you in that uniform makes me want to tear the eyes from my head!" When he asks her about the fence, she explains to him that their family is "the opposite" of the Jews on the other side of the fence (183). Lieutenant Kotler returns and scolds Shmuel for not polishing the glasses. 3. How does the lieutenant treat Bruno? What is Bruno's grandmother's attitude towards his father's job in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? Please wait while we process your payment. Thus, what Bruno understood as expressions of madness were actually symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, a common affliction among people who fought during World War I. And as the reader will learn later, Mother felt attracted to Lieutenant Kotler too. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Latest answer posted April 07, 2020 at 11:27:29 AM. Chapter 7. Why was Grandmother unimpressed with her son's new uniform. Herr Roller's head injury and subsequent loss of mental facilities demonstrate an example of one of the costs of war. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Bruno is generally willfully ignorant of his father's involvement in the atrocities, despite the fact that his promotion to Commandant has caused the family to move to "Out-With" (Auschwitz); however, he can clearly detect that something is not right after this incident. Bruno, of course, has no idea what the issue is with Pavel taking care of him, and thinks Mother is just trying to take responsibility for a good deed she has not really done. He thinks about how "the pajama people all jumped to attention whenever the soldiers approached and sometimes they fell to the ground and sometimes they didn't even get up and had to be carried away instead" (101). Support your answer with. Lieutenant Kotler barked at Pavel and repeatedly called him a name Bruno didn't understand. She had stormed out of their house, and Bruno hadn't seen her since. In chapter thirteen of The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Pavelan old Jewish man and former doctor who is now working as a servant in the house of Bruno's fathermistakenly . Did Bruno die? She is outspoken about her strong disapproval of Father's new appointment to Commandant. Kotler." Although he sometimes sees the soldiers on that side of the fence, he never sees the people in the striped pajamas on his side of it. -Graham S. The timeline below shows where the character Lieutenant Kotler appears in, the house, so Bruno is on his own to find the materials. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. The family receives news that Grandmother has died, so they return to their old home in Berlin for two days to attend the funeral. You can view our. Mother told Bruno to go upstairs, and as he left the room, he heard Mother tell Pavel that if Father asked, he should say she attended Brunos wounds. Lieutenant Kotler secretly provides Pavel food to help him live longer. What had Bruno's grandfather done for a living? PDF downloads of all 1725 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. More books than SparkNotes. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Brun dislikes Lt. Kotler immensely. It had been Christmas Day, and Father had decided to wear his new uniform. Dressing up like a puppet on a string" (90). Since Mother is still not home, Pavel cleans Bruno's wounds in the kitchen. Complete your free account to request a guide. She involved both Gretel and Bruno in these elaborate performances, which featured costumes and musical numbers. This is confirmed with Bruno's observations of the. When he asks her about the fence, she first corrects him on his pronunciation of "Out-With." Gretel was speaking with Lieutenant Kotler when Bruno approached to ask about finding a spare tire for his swing. Describe Bruno [s injury. Creating notes and highlights requires a free LitCharts account. This makes Bruno uncomfortable and he dislikes the young soldier even more that he already had, especially since Lieutenant Kotler is always joking with Mother and "Mother [laughs] at his jokes more than she [laughs] at Father's" (162). creating and saving your own notes as you read. It seems that as Bruno's rejection of Lt. Kotler becomes more pronounced and defined, he becomes more interested in what Lt. Kotler stands against. How does Bruno's character grow throughout the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? Despus de la muerte de Felipe, Juana no crea que su esposo querido ____________ (estar) muerto para siempre. Bruno's mother is spending a lot of time with Lieutenant Kotler. Enacted on March 13, 1925, it remained in force for 40 years. What spacific excerpt are you referring to? Already a member? In Boyne's The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, what did Bruno's old house in Berlin look like? The name Kotler calls Pavel is a derogatory term for a Jewish person, and in telling him to wash his hands, Kotler is telling Pavel that he believes he is an inherently dirty person. Another reason for Kotler's abject cruelty is his . What are four adjectives that describe Lieutenant Kotler in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. ", "But, you're a waiter.And you peel the vegetables for dinner. Accessed 1 May 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. Bruno sees Lt. Kotler as arrogant, walking around "as if he owned the place" and seeing him as an external force in his home. Struggling with distance learning? First, he decides (much like his father) not to get involved in such situations out of a desire to protect his own self from harm. Bruno assumes Herr Liszt is referring to how Bruno has been forced to come live at Out-With, so he agrees. In later encounters, Bruno found Lieutenant Kotler patronizing and self-important. By distancing himself from Shmuel because he is afraid of the consequences of associating with the boy, Bruno contributes to Shmuel's punishment for a crime he did not commit: stealing food. 7. Educators go through a rigorous application process, and every answer they submit is reviewed by our in-house editorial team. They all acted out the plays she wrote and encouraged them to recite poems by famous poets. Did Pavel die in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? How did Bruno and Shmuel die in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne? All he knows is that "whenever Father was called away to Berlin on an overnight trip the lieutenant hung around the house as if he were in charge: he would be there when Bruno was going to bed and be back again in the morning before he even woke up" (163). The character of Herr Roller is introduced in Chapter Seven and doesn't appear again in the story. Complete your free account to request a guide. Pavel refreshed his glass, but when he turned to fill Lieutenant Kotler's glass, he dropped the bottle into the soldier's lap. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. Lieutenant Kotler could be any soldier during any war time, shouting a derogatory term to dehumanize a victim of any genocide. Mother is grateful, but what she says next indicates that she knows Father would be furious if he heard that Pavel had touched Bruno, his son. There is a plaque on it that marks it as having been presented on the opening of Out-With, in June of 1940. 6. The reader is meant to understand that Mother and Lieutenant Kotler are having an affair, but that possibility doesn't even cross Bruno's mind. Why is Shmuel afraid to eat the chicken? She feels that they should all respect him for what he has done for his country and for them. Thanks for creating a SparkNotes account! Latest answer posted April 15, 2020 at 12:33:04 PM. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. What is the message of the novel The Boy in the Striped Pajamas? In The Boy with The Striped Pajamas, by John Boyne, Pavel is an old man, a doctor, who is now a servant in the house of Bruno's father. He feels thatKotleris only interested in power and thatKotlerwishes to "move in" on the home that Bruno's father is absent from with his work responsibilities. What, do you think, made Bruno uneasy about leaving his sister with Lieutenant Kotler?4. What did Lieutenant Kotler do to Pavel after he spilled the wine in his lap? Why is Shmuel in the kitchen? 3. Pavels inability to speak clearly to Bruno, due to the fact that he is essentially a slave in the household, further contributes to the air of sadness and mystery that surrounds him.
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