Other crew positions in the warship use their specified stat to increase the stats of the Captain. i never know u can sell ms, i tried to look for the sell button, but never find it anywhere, except the captured ms/items after quest that i know is able to sell. You can also import your own mp3 files to use as battle music! You need to sign in or create an account to do that. Will this game able to run on Steam Deck. To provide Support Counter, it must have a weapon with enough range to reach the attacking unit from its current position. Featured PV Role-Playing Games (RPGs) So much to keep track of. Keeping your stats low as mentioned gives you a better exp %, but then you run into an issue later on where you can't hit your targets and it's hard to get that exp, or your link-attack damage is too low from power leveling low stats characters. (Skills of the same type cannot be stacked onto the same unit). Hello. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. A Master cannot request support while defending or countering, A Leader can also request support from any units within range (including the Warship), Regular Warship Group units cannot request support. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYS. After moving a unit on an SFS, the unit can also undock and move even further on its own. Sortied units can return to the Warship by moving onto it (the radius is displayed by a solid blue rectangle). Privacy Policy. There has been so much confusion across all message boards due to mistranslation and there have been no solid information anymore. After spending weeks searching for an in-depth explanation for the mechanics in this game, and seeing how many contradicting answers people have been giving, I decided to test it out myself and post that information here so it's readily available to spare anyone else from the same unfortunate fate. It comes with a special rules that have direct impact to character/unit performance; (Unit Score + Pilot Score) * Guest Correction * Stats Value * Ability * Skill * Others, EXP Gain after Warship's Stats Value Correction * (1 + 0.1 * number of participant units), ( EXP Gain after Warship's Stats Value Correction * 0.5 ) / number of participant units, EXP Gain after Executor Unit's Stats Value Correction * (1 + 0.1 * number of participant units), ( EXP Gain after each individual's Stats Value Correction * 0.5 ) / number of participant units, ((HP/100 + EN + ATK + DEF + MOB + Ranged + Melee + Reaction + Defense) / 9, (Base Damage * Weapon Effect * Combat Effect * Terrain Capability * Critical Damage * Skill Buff * Ability * Defend Command) - Damage Nullifies - Damage Reduction + Additional Damage, ((Weapon Power + Pilot Correction + OP Part + Ability) + Awaken Correction) * Unit Correction, (((Warship's Offensive+ OP Part + Ability) + Participant Unit Correction) * Crew Correction * Lock-on Correction) - Difficulty Correction (Warship), (((Raid's Offensive + OP Part + Ability) + Participant Unit Correction + Participant Pilot Correction) * Charisma Correction * Lock-on Correction) * Difficulty Correction (Raid), Your actual damage before all the correction with %damage buff/reduction out there. As much as i love using Laffter and having her Pilot a gundam outside of the IBO universe, if she is in say the strike freedom and wants to use the dragoon funnels. she will be next to useless with them without some major stat adjustments. It has nothing to do with increase damage dealt, Also decrease enemy unit's EN by 10% if successfully hit, Also decrease enemy unit's EN/MP by 10% if successfully hit, Fully restore HP and remove all Debuff status, Deal +30% bonus damage against enemy currently on atmospheric terrain, Will not work on enemy on other terrain even though they have atmospheric terrain. despite it's single player sandbox game yeah Valve Corporation. (When a unit levels up, a small number of points may be attributed to a specific stat of ones choice). Max control area by Command stat is 10 at 999 stat. I just realized that the more my characters/ms level up, the less XP they get from downed enemies (I'm playing on Extra too and it still doesn't help). Reduce 2000 damage taken from Physical Weapons. Also MOB is only stat that increase critical chance for Link-up Attack (refer to unit stat section). Both the Warship and the Master can use a maximum of 9 skills per battle (and as many of those 9 per turn as they wish). Genres: Strategy. In addition, each unit has a terrain capability rating for each terrain type: (If a unit has no rating listed for a specific terrain type, then it is unable to move or be deployed on that terrain type. If you want a more offensive team, it's killing two birds with one stone. Likewise, a unit must be have enough range to perform a counter in order to request a support counter from other units. The guest/map units are generally strong, but aside from the GET bar there's no reason to let them kill things.. you'll want that precious exp given to your units :). I have maxed the "crew stats" of the characters in my first warship, will that be a problem in the long run? One of rare ability called. When the MS levels up you gain points to spend on stats to make them stronger. Defense is nice but also optional if you keep ahead of the accuracy curves, since it's possible to always have a perfect evasion rate of 5%, meaning you almost never get hit. In the event of a dispute, you can refer the matter to the French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties (Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Liberts). Some of abilities aren't explained clearly or the translation is not correct in game so I will note them. I personally was trying to understand if Charisma was ONLY used by whoever was in the Guest slot on a warship or if it increased that character's EXP gain overall even in Raid Groups. Release Date: 28/11/2019. Reduce 1500 damage taken from Beam Weapons. Buying early unit is not a waste of money you can still evolve them into far better units or send them into dispatch missions. Pinpoint attacks happen when attacking a point occupied by an enemy warship (they deal more damage than normal attacks). This item will only be visible to you, admins, and anyone marked as a creator. Enemy units must be within range of the Warships blue aura (Units in the same Warship group must also be within range of the Warships blue aura). Do you happen to know where to get the ability "Pride of an ex-human debris"? Bonus damage dealt from abilities will stack additively while they stack multiplicatively with other source of bonus such as Weapon Effect, Terrain Capability, Critical Damage and etc. i see, so no regular crew allowed thanks for the info! Raid group units recover HP/EN per turn depending on their map position. Guest units are units which the player always starts with by default in a given scenario. Damage dealt +10/20/30% for pinpoint attack. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. SOTSUSUNRISETV TOKYO, This edition is not available with your current filters, https://www.youtube.com/user/NamcoBandaiGamesEU. -Require Alaya-Vijnana Type-E system for both effects to work. Normally this section does not require to enjoy a game. [privacy policy]. (Skills can also be used on Guest units within its radius). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871688903, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871688915, https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2871688924, Increase Control Area size. And is the [EX] A-C level Ability enhancers incorrect since the game says 2.5/3/5 multiplier rather than your 3/5/10 multipliers? However skill will affect everyone within control area of executor, some skill can be used on ally unit outside their group such as Guest Force. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If unit's HP has reached Zero by any mean, they're destroyed and gone forever. MOB is actually useful. Valve Corporation. Enemy units must be within range of the Units blue aura. Increase Command by 30/60/90/120/150/180/210. Blood
It is only visible to you. Any MS/Pilot can be deploy in any series, the only limitation being terrains, For a ship/MS to be deployed in a map it MUST be able run in that map environment (space or air, tipically), The ship that you get at the start of the game can contain only 1 squad, but by doing one of the available dispatches you can acquire an item that let you unlock the 2nd squad slot. Your email address will not be published. Abilities are dropped by specific enemies (those with a yellow dot on them), the higher the difficulty the higher the ability level dropped by the enemy. The game has the crappy hidden mechanic of lowering your exp depending on the amount of stat your. There is more than one way to buy this game. 4 units sortied = up to 4 lock-ons; lock-ons can be concentrated on the same unit, or spread across multiple units within range). Dude that's fascinating thank you for sharing your findings! The Official Cross Rays Unit Compilation Guide. Ability and Skill will not work on pilot in support attack/counter/defend/Link-up Participants even when they have EXP buff applied individually on them. Oh dude definitely. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with SD GUNDAM G GENERATION CROSS RAYS. Each terrain space on a map has a % rating for each applicable terrain type (e.x 5% atmospheric) which increases the evasion of a unit occupied on that space. Any abilities or OP parts that increase weapon power will be added. I used the exact same melee attack on the exact same type of enemy unit (DINN) after weakening it so it would die in the next attack. Reaction affects warship evasion). Share with Email, opens mail client It plays 20 times more effect and doesn't care about enemy's DEF. Having fun but oh so lost. Skill that benefit own force will affect all ally units in the control area except skill that can only apply on one unit. Browse and rate player-created guides for this game. This item will only be visible in searches to you, your friends, and admins. Take it with grain of sand. Exclude MAP Damage, Movement +1 by every OP parts with III equipped, Evasion +30%, All Weapon Power +3000. Once per stage if being attacked and HP goes to 0. Read more about it in the, There are no more reviews that match the filters set above, Adjust the filters above to see other reviews. zerizebawalazasuk - Read online for free. Login Store Community Support. The incorrect translation is only on English so a responsibility is on those who localized this game. Warship provides core benefit for survivability in both short-game and prolonged battle. Damage taken -5/10/15% for support defend. Warship's both ATK and MOB are added to this correction. Discover the latest entry in this iconic Tactical RPG series. SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays How to level up enough to tackle inferno? 97 Warships. Did I get that right? Note: Not every unit is playable. Effect varies on Lv of pilot's Alaya-Vijnana required for effect. You may exercise these rights at any time by using the unsubscribe link in the newsletters or by e-mail. Especially Charisma for Executor Pilot, can multiply damage up to 400%. If a unit gets hit during Super High Tension it will switch back to a normal state when the battle ends. MAP weapon cannot critical, Enemy hit by this attack cannot operate or use any command for 1 turn. If it drops below dazed, you cannot attack or counter, If it rises above Super High, attacks will always be critical, If it rises above Supercharged, attacks will always be super critical (dealing more damage than normal criticals), Range Minimum and maximum range (if a unit attacks an enemy from beyond its maximum range, it will not be able to counter-attack), FX Weapon special effect. Will not work on space, Deal +30% bonus damage against enemy currently on ground terrain, Will not work on enemy on other terrain even though they have ground terrain, Deal +30% bonus damage against enemy with XL Size or larger, Self-Destruct the unit and deal damage to enemy, The translation is incorrect. At Lv40~60 Some of low-tier stats will catch up with high-end unit in one stat or two, depending where you use your point on. ZERO Yeah I totally forgot to factor in Defense initially. The Link-Up attack has as many lock-ons available as there are Units sortied in the same Warship group within the Warships blue aura. Always use Ship Group, as in those you receive bonus exp based on the "Charisma" of the "Guest" pilot inside the ship (even if outside the ship area). This is a comprehensive guide that includes every unit in the base game (including secret units) for every alternate universe. Please see the. [EX] Wings Acceding Dimensional Transcendence. Fantasy Violence
Let also not forget that pilot stat also increase accuracy, majorly. None of DLC unit ability can be obtained via OP part. i know inferno is a completely different ball game but i first want to work out how to build my ms/ma and my warships pre-inferno. Awaken will increase Weapon Power with "Awaken" effect, luckily the game has already done adding a bonus to your weapon as it shows on unit screen. Tom Create Development (Orthodox, NEO, Break) G generation. Kind of like Gundam Breaker's parts and derive merging? However with limit break system introduced, SVC section could explain some of behavior caused by stat that goes above 1000. During missions you have 10 slots in which to quicksave.. use them to go back from bad situations. Warship also provides a place to station your unit for safety and recover most of their HP and regen EN at the end of turn. SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Beginners Guide (Tips and Useful Info), SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Warship Captain Build Guide, SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays How to Use Custom BMG, SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays Money Maker Guide (Passive Income), Captain (Command) = Increases all Stats directly; Command Stat determines range of warships blue aura, XO (Auxiliary) Increases Captains stats and warship HP and EN, Communications (Communications) Boosts warship accuracy, Navigator (Navigation) Boosts warship evasion, Mechanic (Maintenance) Boosts HP regen per turn, Guest (Charisma) Units within group gain more EXP, Ranged Ranged weapon damage and accuracy, Awaken Damage and accuracy for weapons with the Awaken effect, EN Energy (performing attacks costs energy). Weapon Power is as important. Warship-Link will use Warship's stats value as correction. Please see the. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. How can I find the best prices for SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays CD keys? Tension (e.x. SD Gundam G Generation CROSS RAYS 6. etc 1. outline [] "Life., life. Is there a beginner's guide for Cross Rays? Starts with 1 and will increase every 100~150 points by 1. (Warship Master and Leader units can use Skills after moving on the SFS). Only 1 Warship Link-Up can be initated per turn by the same Warship. Lv3 : Reaction/Awaken +30. Exclude MAP Damage, 4 times the effect of any OP part with status raising value under +60, Reduce Damage taken by 1000. Beyond creation, four eras come together as one! Skills can be used by each individual unit in the Raid Group only on itself (Skills available are determined by the Pilot of each individual unit). Exclude MAP weapon, Reduce damage taken by 5000. Both the pilot of a unit and the unit itself level up by gaining EXP from destroying enemy units in Battles. A comprehensive guide to basic gameplay mechanics. Any unit within raid group can initiate a Link-up attack. MOB is actually important. Each pilot has innate abilities and skills, and learn new skills as he/she levels up. Stats below 275 will have negative effect. @Shikima King Yes. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam. MS whose size is greater than M will occupy more slots inside your ship. The stronger your unit (it's not just a matter of levels, the mods equipped on it are also calculated to determine it's actual strength) the lesser the exp gained by it. -Stacks multiplicatively with weapon effect "Potential". SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays: Tips&Technique for new playerTips&Technique - Dispatch - Develop units- Design units#Gundam #SDGundam #SDGundamGGeneratio. What is SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays CD key? Character/Unit Performance and Damage/EXP Formula Guide. Hello does anyone know where I can find the dispatch mission "Always beginning onto the next" I would like to mention that I have the switch version and I've been searching for any info on it. !" The first protagonist of Mobile Suit Gundam AGE . (Warship stats do nothing when piloting a mobile suit). Raid Group gains +1 for entire team. Will gain 20%HP and 10%EN regen per turn if is adjacent to 1 ally unit within same team, 40%HP and 5%EN with 2 allies, 60%HP with 3 allies and 80%HP with 4 allies. Required fields are marked * Name * Email * Website Add Comment Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Required information is indicated by an asterisk.
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