After that, you will receive a small number of interim notifications from our payment partner letting you know your payment is in process, and eventually you will receive a link to your payment card, if you chose that as your option. If you submitted a Claim Form or did nothing at all, you will be releasing Defendants from all of the claims described and identified in Section 15 of the Settlement Agreement. Statewide, there were more than $27 million of late fees and tolls at CCU as of October 2018. During that window, Epiq digital payment emails were or will be sent from, so please review your inbox for messages from that email address. I dont like the payment options available to me through EpiqPay, can I select something else? You can talk to the law firms representing the Class listed in FAQ 14 for free, or you can, at your own expense, talk to your own lawyer if you have any questions about the released claims or what they mean. I accidentally unsubscribed from the EpiqPay email, can you resend me the link? If you want to be represented by another lawyer, you may hire one to appear in court for you at your own expense. Any person whose PII was sent by Defendants between June 29, 2015 and May 27, 2021 to: (a) the California Department of Motor Vehicles or out-of-state equivalent in connection with more than one alleged toll violation incurred on the 91 Express Lanes (the DMV Subclass); (b) a car rental company in connection with an alleged toll violation incurred on the 91 Express Lanes (the Car Rental Subclass); and/or (c) a third-party debt collector for collection of unpaid tolls and/or toll violation penalties incurred on the 91 Express Lanes (the Debt Collection Subclass). account even without a pass. Vehicle 2. Remember: If you see ANY vehicle stopped on the side of the road with flashing lights #GiveThemDistance. Another example is the 290 Toll, operating in Manor through East Austin. It's the law in Illinois. Were wearing orange for the maintenance workers, H.E.L.P. The Illinois Tollway congratulates all the firms behind the four Tollway projects earning 2023 Engineering Excellence Awards from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois. In the context of the Settlement, Personally Identifiable Information (PII) means any information that identifies or describes a person including, but not limited to, travel pattern data, address, telephone number, email address, license plate number, photograph, bank account information, or credit card number, as provided in Section 31490(o) of the California Streets and Highways Code. What happens if I dont claim my payment by the payment expiry date listed in my EpiqPay emails? If the violation you received is your first, FasTrak will waive the violation penalty if you open a FasTrak account within 30 days of the unpaid toll This website summarizes the Settlement. Class Counsel was awarded $250,000 for attorneys fees, plus $108,102.73 for reimbursement of reasonable, actual out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the litigation. I input the wrong information when trying to claim my PayPal payment. Duis massa lorem, imperdiet nec lobortis in, interdum vitae tortor. WebFirst-time Violations. EpiqPay offers individuals who are eligible to receive payments in mass actions an easy, convenient, fast, and secure way to claim their payments. To speak at the Fairness Hearing, you needed to include a statement in your objection that you intended to appear at the Fairness Hearing (see FAQ 16) and wanted to speak. From October 1 through December 31, 2021, civil penalties will be waived for outstanding toll violations if tolls due plus an amnesty fee are paid. Plan ahead and schedule an automatic payment for once your trip is processed, Receive an email notification once your trip is processed and ready for payment, Pay for the trip mentioned in your email notification from us. Check our FAQs or use our Contact us page. Download the official Illinois Tollway app today! Fusce at suscipit odio. Under Maryland law, drivers have 30 days to pay uncollected tolls issued as invoices. The Court has ruled in favor of the Defendants on a number of the privacy claims raised in the lawsuit, but has not decided wholly in favor of either the Plaintiffs or Defendants. Members of the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) serving on Active Duty who drive The Toll Roads (State Routes 73, 133, 241 and 261) without paying and receive a Notice of Toll Evasion in the mail are subject to pay the toll only with no penalties assessed. Oso Parkway Bridge opened to drivers, pedestrians and community on January 13, 2021. Were here to help if you have payment challenges or need support. When will I receive my digital payment? The Court also awarded a Service Award of $5,000 for Plaintiff Daniel Golka, to be paid from the Settlement Fund, for his service as representative on behalf of the whole Settlement Class. If there are appeals, resolving them can take time. Please include your name, old and new email addresses, and your current mailing address information. Is there a penalty for drivers who do not pay their toll(s)? Due to variability in individual recipient email account SPAM and junk security settings, users are encouraged to review their junk and SPAM folders in case the digital payment emails went to those locations. To exclude yourself from the Settlement, you needed to send a letter or other written document by mail to: Your request to be excluded from the Settlement must have been personally signed by you and must have contained a statement that indicated your desire to be excluded from the Settlement Class. Just like athletes get conditioned Reminding drivers that they play a critical role in maintaining safe work zones, the Illinois Tollway is joining other safety and transportation agencies, industry partners and construction workers to mark National Work Zone Awareness WeekWith roadway construction As roadway construction shifts into high gear, the Illinois Tollway is urging drivers to slow down and take extra precautions in work zones to protect themselves, construction and roadway workers, and emergency responders theyre likely to encounter while traveling this year Diversity, equity and inclusion remain a top priority for the Illinois Tollway under the leadership of new Tollway Board Chairman Arnie Rivera. If you do not immediately claim your payment, you may also receive one or more reminder emails. Should I be concerned I submitted multiple claims but only received one check? A North Texas driver asked NBC 5 Responds for help disputing more than $1,600 in charges from the North Texas Tollway Authority, and NBC 5 Responds There are three separate Settlements in this single lawsuit. Missing a toll isnt a big deal, but if left unpaid, it can become one. If you received a Notice, you are likely included in the Settlement because the Defendants records have identified you as a person whose PII may have been shared as part of the operation of the 91 Express Lanes. This will be allocated as follows: Every toll violation penalty assigned to a third-party debt collector for collection as of May 27, 2021 will be reduced to $100.00. Getting a parking or speeding ticket for just over $30 is one thing. TxTAG does and CTRMA has been struggling to implement a plan to do so for a long time, he explained. Violation To learn if another California toll facility offers discounts or waives tolls for veterans, please contact the appropriate agency. My Account Login; Open an Account; FasTrak. When addressing the bills details in 2017, Dale explained, The drivers in the area are saying they are paying too much for it, and they want free access roads, and they want their bills to be accurate. Dale has noted that hes long fought against such roads, and CTRMAs policies, and hes not surprised they havent followed suit with TxDOT in penalty forgiveness. A North Texas driver asked NBC 5 Responds for help disputing more than $1,600 in charges from the North Texas Tollway Authority, and NBC 5 Responds delivered. The law caps admin fees at $6 per invoice with a yearly cap of $48 per customer. If you stayed in the Settlement Class, all of the decisions and judgments by the Court related to the Settlement will bind you. A request to be excluded will not affect your eligibility to participate in any settlement regarding any toll roads other than the 91 Express Lanes. After choosing my preferred payment options, will I receive my payment instantly / immediately? In addition, each toll violator who owed OCTA a debt for one or more toll violation penalties assigned to a third-party debt collection as of May 27, 2021 will have the amount of that debt reduced by approximately $40.00. You will not be charged for these lawyers. Customers who do not have I-PASS are required to pay their missed tolls online within 14 days. Thats because this short-term helping hand from TxDOT only applied to roads which were operated directly by their offices and not those operated by other companies. Pass types WebPay tolls online within five days. We are unable to directly assist you in changing your PayPal payment details. Unless you excluded yourself, you gave up any right you might have had to sue the Defendants for legal claims that the Settlement resolves. That's the easiest and they can note account that you are disputing not ignoring charges. California motorists hit with massive fines for minor, alleged toll Engineers Today, the Illinois Tollway recognizes Go Orange Day to show support for the men and women working on our roadways. Check us out here@ILTollway. Youre in the right place if you need to make a payment for an invoice youve received or for a toll youve missed within 5 days of your trip. Plaintiffs allege that the toll roads upon which motor vehicles owned or driven by Plaintiffs and Class Members were operated include the 91 Express Lanes operated by OCTA and other California toll roads in California operated by other public entities, including the TCA. The Special Master also considered the requests by Class Counsel for attorneys fees and expenses and for Service Awards to the Class Representatives. Nulla facilisi. You can send you reissue request by mail to: As detailed in the Settlement Agreements, each Cash Distribution Class Member will be entitled to receive one Cash Award, regardless of the number of times your PII was provided to another person or entity. Proin consequat elit eget mauris euismod, a fermentum elit interdum. Crains Chicago Business named Tollway Chief Financial Officer Cathy Williams among its 2023 Notable CFOs for her accomplishments at the agency, leadership in the Last-chance discounts now offered on outstanding invoices alongside fee dismissal for income-eligible customers enrolled in I-PASS Assist.After an overwhelmingly successful amnesty program, a broad expansion of the I-PASS Assist program and completion of complex technological Senior Project Manager Rick Hanba loves seeing his work as a civil engineer transform from concept to reality. / Why have I not received my digital payment? The lawsuit also alleges that Defendants toll collection practices and imposition of penalties violated the excessive fines and due process clauses of the U.S. and California Constitution, violated the California constitutional right of privacy and the California Consumer Legal Remedies Act and Unfair Competition Law, and that they were negligent. Orange County, California toll roads forgive excessive toll violation fines in $42 million settlement. If you Digital payments may take some time to process once you receive the confirmation email stating that your payment is complete. Change Lanes Safely. The following individuals whose PII was provided by OCTA or CUSA to an individual or entity described below between June 29, 2015 and May 27, 2021 are included in the Settlement: The following individuals are excluded from the Settlement Class: current members of the OCTA Board of Directors, OCTAs Chief Executive Officer, the General Manager of the 91 Express Lanes, OCTAs 91 Express Lanes Project Manager III, and the attorneys representing OCTA and Cofiroute in this Litigation. Orange County, California toll roads forgive excessive toll violation fines in $42 million settlement. No. When and where will the Court decide whether to approve the Settlement? Please allow a few business days after receiving the confirmation email for funds to become available in your account. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Morbi aliquam luctus ex, eu aliquet nunc tempus a. Nullam eu vestibulum nulla. How could I have told the Court if I do not like the Settlements? P.O. The people who sued are called the Plaintiffs. The Orange County Transportation Authority, Darrell Johnson and Lori Donchak (collectively OCTA) and Cofiroute USA, LLC (CUSA) are collectively called the Defendants. The lawsuit alleges that in the course of operating the 91 Express Lanes, the Defendants, in violation of Section 31490 of the California Streets and Highways Code, provided personally identifiable information (as defined in section 31490, PII) to certain third parties. Customer Service Walk-In Center
Aliquam et sapien non magna scelerisque placerat vel nec elit. Illinois Tollway invites college students, grads to apply for 2023 internships, Illinois Tollway Introduces ConstructionWorks Jobs Programs to Faith-Based Community, 365 days, 0 injuries: M-11 maintenance site recognized for its perfect 2022 safety record, Illinois Tollway congratulates firms behind Tollway projects earning 2023 Engineering Excellence Awards, Illinois Tollway offers more income-eligible drivers cost-saving benefits through I-PASS Assist Program, Illinois Information Technology Accessibility Act. If none of the options presented to you on the selection screen are of interest to you, you will need to send a reissue request by mail to: Some EpiqPay payments options require only that you click Redeem to process your payment. WebThe Toll Roads of Orange County. Simply enter your trip information below to: Signing up for our email alerts that keep you on top of any unpaid tolls is a great idea. Only tolls that were incurred while a member of the U.S. Armed Forces is serving on active duty are eligible for this program. Click here to see a map of the included toll roads. Excluding yourself is telling the Court that you do not want to be part of the Settlement. Answers To Your Questions 1. The Defendants deny all liability and legal claims against them in this case. Multiple claims will not result in multiple payments. In addition, OCTA will provide $40 million worth of toll violation penalty forgiveness. The digital payment options presented to you when you click Claim Payment in your EpiqPay email are the only options available to you under this settlement. A heading that includes the case name and case number: Your name, address, telephone number, and if represented by counsel, the name, bar number, address, and telephone number of your counsel; A signed declaration stating, under penalty of perjury, that you are a member of the Settlement Class; A statement of all your objections to the Settlement you are objecting to, including your legal and factual basis for each objection; and. All fees and expenses awarded by the Court will be paid out of the cash Settlement Fund. WebYou can dispute a violation by filling out the "Contest of Notice" portion of your "Notice of Toll Evasion." Heres what happens if you dont pay for your missed toll*: *As the operator, we dont and cannot, by law, profit from administrative fees and civil penalties related to toll enforcement. In fiscal 2018, the MDTA referred 205,532 violations from the ICC to collections, in order to collect $9,947,144 in civil penalties and video tolls. You can find the Settlement Agreement by clicking here. Vehicles registered to an active FasTrak account and displaying a qualifying veteran license plate drive toll-free on The Toll Roads and certain other toll facilities in California on and after January 1, 2023. Those who say they have TxTAG accounts have claimed theyve been hit with added fees regardless. Drivers using New Yorks electronic toll collection Payments to eligible Class Members who submitted valid claims and reductions in outstanding toll violation penalties will be made only after any appeals are resolved (see FAQ 18). The following license plate types qualify: If you have an active FasTrak account with The Toll Roads and a qualifying license plate, please submit the following via email ( or fax (949-727-4991) for review: The Toll Roads will review the information provided and send you an email or letter that either identifies that additional information is necessary, confirms that the vehicle is eligible for the veteran exemption and identifies next steps, or notifies you that the vehicle is not currently eligible for the veteran exemption. Serving a quarter of a million drivers each day on The Toll Roads, The Transportation Corridor Agencies continue to meet the regions growing needs for tax-free, congestion-free transportation alternatives. It is against the law to email, text or tweet while driving in Illinois. Whether you excluded yourself or stayed in the Settlement Class, you cannot bring a new claim based on the fact that one or more of the Defendants provided your name and contact information to the Settlement Administrator so notice of the Settlement could be sent to you. We are your resource for Hill Country travel, things to do, places to eat, Suspendisse enim nisi, venenatis a tristique id, sagittis at odio. WebOCTA will also provide $40 million in toll violation penalty forgiveness. Pellentesque euismod pulvinar aliquet. Express LanesP.O. Through information about construction projects we work hard to provide you the fastest, smoothest and safest ride to your destination. Engineers realigned a small Read full articleAboutTo mark Earth Day, Illinois Tollway highlights new maintenance sites designed to help protect local water quality . Under this new law, drivers who make regular use of toll roads that are managed by TxDOT will begin to see lower fees. A person may not use any toll facility without payment of tolls, except as provided in section 338.155, Florida Statutes. If you received a Notice by email or mail, you are likely a Settlement Class Member. How could I have gotten out of the Settlement? All EpiqPay payment and reminder emails contain a Claim Payment link. An Active Duty member, their spouse or domestic partner must be the registered owner of the vehicle at the time the toll was incurred. As explained further on this website, from the Settlement with OCTA and CUSA, your options included the following: Defendants deny each and every allegation of wrongdoing, liability, and damages that were or could have been asserted in the litigation and further deny that the claims in the litigation would be appropriate for class treatment if the litigation were to proceed through litigation and trial. This is normal. No. Drivers on the Illinois Tollway system are required to pay unpaid tolls online. Do hybrid or electric vehicles travel The Toll Roads for free or at a discount? No matter which method you chose to submit your Claim Form, you needed to read the Claim Form carefully and provide all the information required, including the Unique ID provided to you on the Notice you were sent by email or mail (if you received a Notice). Where are The Toll Roads? Then click your preferred payment method. At this hearing, the Special Master considered whether the Settlements are fair, reasonable, and adequate. If you exclude yourself, you have no basis to object to the Settlement because you will not be part of the settling class. Upon making your selection, you will start to receive a series of emails from EpiqPay and our digital payment partners, which will keep you apprised of the progress of your payment. Nullam quis mollis massa. You could have spoken at the hearing if you excluded yourself from both Settlements. This program is a one-time courtesy for Active Duty members only and cannot be used for tolls incurred prior to January 2016. places to stay, tourism, events, lodging, and we feature Texas Hill Country info WebPay Your Violations Pay Unpaid Tolls Drivers on the Illinois Tollway system are required to pay unpaid tolls online. theYear=now.getYear()
Lin International) and Wight More income-eligible drivers are receiving the cost-saving benefits of I-PASS after signing up for I-PASS Assist Accounts that also offer few up-front costs.The number of active I-PASS Assist accounts has more than quadrupled to more than 12,200, as a result of ongoing Finance and Investor Information Overview, Area high school students get close-up look at Illinois Tollway construction sites, To mark Earth Day, Illinois Tollway highlights new maintenance sites designed to help protect local water quality, Today, the Illinois Tollway recognizes Go Orange Day to show support for the men and women working on our roadways, Aurora maintenance site holds on to Tollways Extra Mile for Safety Award for a second year, You play a role in work zone safety Illinois Tollway and other state agencies remind drivers during National Work Zone Awareness Week, Marking National Work Zone Awareness Week, Illinois Tollway reminds drivers to work with us to keep roads safe, Illinois Tollway Board Chairman Rivera highlights Tollway efforts to help small and diverse firms at Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce breakfast, Illinois Tollway recognizes Dispatch CAD team as its Emergency Communicators of the Year, Foundation Mechanics rise to new heights with help from Illinois Tollway diversity programs, No repairs needed: Illinois Tollway Carpenter Shop honored for perfect safety record in 2022, Illinois Tollway CFO named among 2023 Notable CFOs by Crains Chicago Business, Unpaid Illinois Tollway Toll Invoices Will Result In Violation Notices, Illinois Tollway staff encourage high school students to pursue careers in transportation industry, Illinois Tollway introduces Emerging Technology Program for DBEs to Diversity Advisory Council.
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